30 days down, how many to go? it doesn't really matter, now does it? I would keep this up even if the weight loss stopped, I cannot believe how good I feel since I have been doing this. I don't know if it is actually the fact that I am eating better or if its the power of suggestion because I know that I am exercising and eating better. probably a bit of both. I am still having that "getting in all of the calories" problem, the past few days I have had to eat something just so that I was not 500 calories low, which means I am satisfied at 1200-1300 calories.
I made some steamed garlic shrimp with rice pilaf and peas. I will be adding this meal to the menu more often I think. I asked my wife how it came out and her response was "It tastes like something you would buy in a Restaurant" I took that as a thumbs up ;) . later in the day I treated myself to an Anisette cookie and a glass of milk mostly to make up the calories, but partially because I Love Anise cookies! I still came in 150 calories under the allowed intake, even with the milk and cookie.
Exercise feels good, diet feels good, water intake feels good except I felt like I didn't get enough this day. I know I did though so no worries. I have stayed off of the scale, and am anxious to get on tomorrow morning. now I give you the menu.
8:45 AM
1 small banana 105
11:30 AM
2 english muffins 200
2 pats butter 70
3oz sliced tomato 15
2:15 PM
1 can Progresso south western veggie soup 120
1/2 cup white rice 100
6:15 PM
1 cup near east whole grain Rice Pilaf 220
3oz steamed garlic shrimp 90
1 cup canned peas 120
1 Dannon light & fit Cherry Vanilla Yogurt 60
8:00 PM
1 Anisette cookie 85
12oz 1% milk 165
Grand total of 1350 calories for the day, still going strong, I honestly feel that before I started this, that I was eating out of habit. sort of like "oooh theres a bag of chips, it must need eating" and I would eat it. now I eat what I need to live instead of eating what I saw sitting on the counter. I just don't want that stuff. I have also decided that on birthdays, holidays any special occasion really, that I will join in I will just watch what I eat. meaning if its my wifes birthday and we have cake, I am having a piece! I think I have adopted an eat in moderation attitude with my eating. maybe thats why I am not having as hard a time as I thought I would? I don't know, I do know that I am happy that I made the decision to do this. Thanks for reading and check in tomorrow for the "new" official weight!
As Ever
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Exercising for Me.
Ahhh my favorite part of the day...not really ;) not yet anyways. it was raining all morning and I wanted to go for a walk, I put my 2 year old down for her nap and pretty much as soon as she fell asleep the sun came out and its clear and windy right now, but the kiddo is sleeping so I had to ride the bike. it was a 20 minute ride today followed by some push ups and stretching. then a light lunch of soup. all in all a decent afternoon so far if not boring. I can't wait until it warms up, I have had that park on my mind all day, theres a hike through the bird sanctuary that I have never went on, no reason really for not going but now for some reason I gotsta do it.
So as far as the exercise goes for me I am in full on exercise mode and being very adamant about making sure I do it every day. because I know if I stop then I won't want to start again so thats that, I am doing it and I am not stopping. It takes a whole 30-45 mins out of my day to do it and not doing it is much worse than taking that tiny piece of time from my day, and honestly I feel better after I work out. hopefully some old habits return and I get into a zone (getting there already) and eventually get back into lifting weights on a regular basis.
Thanks for reading
As Ever
So as far as the exercise goes for me I am in full on exercise mode and being very adamant about making sure I do it every day. because I know if I stop then I won't want to start again so thats that, I am doing it and I am not stopping. It takes a whole 30-45 mins out of my day to do it and not doing it is much worse than taking that tiny piece of time from my day, and honestly I feel better after I work out. hopefully some old habits return and I get into a zone (getting there already) and eventually get back into lifting weights on a regular basis.
Thanks for reading
As Ever
Day 29
Yesterday gone, Tomorrow on the way and Today is here, cookies on the shelf and I don't even want them, well maybe a little ;) another day down . feeling good about just about everything and energy levels are up, I am happy about the 6 lb loss from yesterdays weigh in and looking forward to Friday, I am weighing in again on Friday just to get on the same day as my wife as a weigh in day. I am picking up some 20 lb dumbbells later today so I can add some light arm movements to the exercises each day. its going great and I still find myself wondering what took so long to start.
I did come in under my calories for the day by more than 200 and had to eat a protein bar around 8:30 last night just so I wasn't short 500 calories! the fact that I struggle to get all 1500 calories in each day still amazes me. it is what it is :)
I got in a nice walk yesterday, rode the bike, and all the regular stuff, felt good. My wife wants to start doing Yoga so I will explore that and see if it is something that I can, or want to add to what I am doing. I don't see why not so I will update things as they happen. I will also be adding Lecithin to my intake very soon.
it was sorta a spanish theme for food for the day (not on purpose). I made spanish rice beans for lunch and had hot sauce on my fish and then we had chicken and bean tacos for dinner, everything is well and going strong with no chance of looking back, so onto the menu.
11:15 AM
1 english muffin 100
2oz sliced tomato 10
1 pat butter 35
2:00 PM
3/4 cup white rice 150
1/2 cup pinto beans 80
1 Van De Camp fish fillet 140
1 Dannon light & fit vanilla yogurt 45
3:45 PM
1 Dannon light & fit strawberry/banana yogurt 40
6:00 PM
1/4 cup refried beans 45
3 mission corn taco shells 165
2 oz sliced Tomato 15
1 oz Lettuce 10
2.5 oz of shredded Chicken 150
1 oz of onion 5
2 jalapeno slices 5
2 tbsp of Old El Paso Taco Sauce 10
1 oz of cheese Kraft Free Light Cheddar 50
8:30 PM
1 EAS Advant EDGE protein bar 230
Grand total of 1285 calories for the day, and I had to eat a high calorie protein bar to make up some more calories last night or else I would be closer to 500 short! I find myself wishing it was warmer outside so I could go for walks every day. I want to eventually start running again and have the idea in my head that I want to run in a 5k race. there is a great park not too far from my house that has all kinds of nature trails and gardens and I cannot wait to go and walk there. there are also Aviary's, play grounds, camp sites and even a bird sanctuary with trails through it, but the park closes for the winter months so I will have to wait for spring for that. again I want to thank all who take the time to read my posts. Thanks!
As Ever
I did come in under my calories for the day by more than 200 and had to eat a protein bar around 8:30 last night just so I wasn't short 500 calories! the fact that I struggle to get all 1500 calories in each day still amazes me. it is what it is :)
I got in a nice walk yesterday, rode the bike, and all the regular stuff, felt good. My wife wants to start doing Yoga so I will explore that and see if it is something that I can, or want to add to what I am doing. I don't see why not so I will update things as they happen. I will also be adding Lecithin to my intake very soon.
it was sorta a spanish theme for food for the day (not on purpose). I made spanish rice beans for lunch and had hot sauce on my fish and then we had chicken and bean tacos for dinner, everything is well and going strong with no chance of looking back, so onto the menu.
11:15 AM
1 english muffin 100
2oz sliced tomato 10
1 pat butter 35
2:00 PM
3/4 cup white rice 150
1/2 cup pinto beans 80
1 Van De Camp fish fillet 140
1 Dannon light & fit vanilla yogurt 45
3:45 PM
1 Dannon light & fit strawberry/banana yogurt 40
6:00 PM
1/4 cup refried beans 45
3 mission corn taco shells 165
2 oz sliced Tomato 15
1 oz Lettuce 10
2.5 oz of shredded Chicken 150
1 oz of onion 5
2 jalapeno slices 5
2 tbsp of Old El Paso Taco Sauce 10
1 oz of cheese Kraft Free Light Cheddar 50
8:30 PM
1 EAS Advant EDGE protein bar 230
Grand total of 1285 calories for the day, and I had to eat a high calorie protein bar to make up some more calories last night or else I would be closer to 500 short! I find myself wishing it was warmer outside so I could go for walks every day. I want to eventually start running again and have the idea in my head that I want to run in a 5k race. there is a great park not too far from my house that has all kinds of nature trails and gardens and I cannot wait to go and walk there. there are also Aviary's, play grounds, camp sites and even a bird sanctuary with trails through it, but the park closes for the winter months so I will have to wait for spring for that. again I want to thank all who take the time to read my posts. Thanks!
As Ever
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
I was feeling good and it is a bit warmer than it has been here today so I decided to go on a walk about. I just walked around the neighborhood for 30 minutes with my daughter, I smartened up and brought a ball that we played with as we walked. it was a nice walk. then a bike ride was in order along with the normal calisthenics that I have been doing so a good day exercise wise! and so far my Lunch and small breakfast was great so all in all a good day.

a sketch from the TV series Heroes, I just wanted to make the post more interesting as this is one of my favorite TV shows. I have many of the paintings that Issac painted in the series.
As Ever
As Ever
Day 28 the weigh in Hath Cometh!
Another one down 500 days or so more to go lol. I went over by 13 calories so I am at 1513 for the day, for that I am annoyed lol, the night before weigh in and I go over by 13 calories! and the bran cereal at the end of the day that put me over was just to help me lose a little something that has not happened in, 2 days, lets call it a "Movement" :( , otherwise all is well and the change rolls on.
I did get on the scale this morning and it said that I have lost 6 pounds, I am now 506 lbs, I will take it! lol I am somehow not as happy as I should be though, I guess I was expecting more, which sounds crazy to me. 6lbs in a week is a great number, I guess its that "biggest loser" thing, where they are dropping huge amounts each week and I guess I just thought it would be more. don't get me wrong, I am ecstatic about a 6lb loss! was just expecting a little more. perhaps it was wishful thinking ;) . my wife weighs herself on Fridays, I am going to weigh in on Friday with her this week just to see if theres a difference in 1/2 a week. I may even change my official weigh in day to Friday just so its on the same day as my wife.... 6lbs! woohoo lol
onto the menu..
8:30 AM
2 english muffins 200
2 pats butter 70
3oz sliced tomatoes 15
large glass green tea 0
11:45 AM
1 small lite blackberry yogurt 45
1:30 PM
1 boiled egg 70
2 slices pumpernickle bread 140
1 tbsp Miracle whip 35
3oz chicken breast 165
1/2 dill pickle 5
3:30 PM
1 orange 65
5:45 PM
2 van de camp fish fillets 280
3/4 cup cooked white rice 150
7 brussel sprouts 50
large glass of crystal light 20
franks hot sauce 0
3 1/4 inch pieces of shoestring french fries 3
8:30 PM
1 cup bran cereal w/1cup 1% milk 200
Grand total of 1513 calories for the day, and a grand total of 6 lbs lost for the week, I am happy with that over all and hope to have another good week. I just gotsta keep on keepin on and eventually it will all be gone! Thanks for following along with me! Until next time! which will be this afternoon hehe.
As Ever
I did get on the scale this morning and it said that I have lost 6 pounds, I am now 506 lbs, I will take it! lol I am somehow not as happy as I should be though, I guess I was expecting more, which sounds crazy to me. 6lbs in a week is a great number, I guess its that "biggest loser" thing, where they are dropping huge amounts each week and I guess I just thought it would be more. don't get me wrong, I am ecstatic about a 6lb loss! was just expecting a little more. perhaps it was wishful thinking ;) . my wife weighs herself on Fridays, I am going to weigh in on Friday with her this week just to see if theres a difference in 1/2 a week. I may even change my official weigh in day to Friday just so its on the same day as my wife.... 6lbs! woohoo lol
onto the menu..
8:30 AM
2 english muffins 200
2 pats butter 70
3oz sliced tomatoes 15
large glass green tea 0
11:45 AM
1 small lite blackberry yogurt 45
1:30 PM
1 boiled egg 70
2 slices pumpernickle bread 140
1 tbsp Miracle whip 35
3oz chicken breast 165
1/2 dill pickle 5
3:30 PM
1 orange 65
5:45 PM
2 van de camp fish fillets 280
3/4 cup cooked white rice 150
7 brussel sprouts 50
large glass of crystal light 20
franks hot sauce 0
3 1/4 inch pieces of shoestring french fries 3
8:30 PM
1 cup bran cereal w/1cup 1% milk 200
Grand total of 1513 calories for the day, and a grand total of 6 lbs lost for the week, I am happy with that over all and hope to have another good week. I just gotsta keep on keepin on and eventually it will all be gone! Thanks for following along with me! Until next time! which will be this afternoon hehe.
As Ever
Monday, January 28, 2008
Exercise hath returnith.
By 9:15 am I had ridden the bike for 15 mins, done 30 push ups, a stretch routine and some crunches. all while my daughter cheered me on lol. Clifford and Word why was the back ground sounds for the days exercise as this is my daughters time lol and those are her favorite cartoons. I plan on riding again when she naps this afternoon, but nothing is written in stone :) I stayed off of the scale this morning as my "official weigh in day" is tomorrow, I hope to see a good number for what was lost for the week. I am sure that I will be on here posting the loss/gain 2 minutes after I weigh in tomorrow lol, off to a good start today it seems and I am in a good mood because I don't feel any of that cold or w/e it was that I had for the past few days, so it would seem I beat it :)

As Ever

As Ever
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Day 27
Dinner at Mom in laws..went great, she served thick pork chops with a pepper and garlic rub on them, lemon pepper sword fish steaks, brussel sprouts, sweet carrots, curry rice, tiny red potatoes chopped up and baked with some sort of garlic flavor on it, and a great mixed green salad. I finished off the meal with a cup of green tea and some chopped up watermelon, a good time was had by all, and I came in under calories for the day so I am happy. it appears that she likes these Sunday dinners that she has been inviting us to and she is extremely cooperative and understanding with the limitations that we have as far as cooking the meals go. she asks if its ok to use butter, oil, or whatever she may be using before she actually cooks it, and everything is good usually.
I drank plenty of water and Green tea today, had 2 glasses of crystal light as well, but I am trying to limit the CL and get more pure water and green tea. No exercise today, I figured I would give my body one more day of rest before I got back on the bike etc, I plan on hitting the bike hard tomorrow though maybe I will ride it twice, once at my normal ride time and once after my kids go to bed for the night, we shall see.
My body is changing, if not in appearance (I can't tell anything yet visually, wife says she can see it) in the way that I can feel my muscles again, I am aware of them and can move them all independently of each other again, that may not make sense but its the only way I can describe it. The only Visual feature I can definitely see is my calves, they have always been large from the lifting weights as well as the carrying all of this around all the time, more the latter I believe, BUT I have definition in my calves again. I am not saying they are ripped, but you can see each individual muscle again and I am diggin on that lol.
This post is turning into an epic post so I will get to the best part which is the menu! and todays menu was outstanding from breakfast right through dinner, everything was good and filling and tasted great. heres to changing things up! the omelet! man that omelet!
10:00 AM
1 whole egg 70
4 egg whites 65
2oz sliced tomato 10
1oz Kraft lite cheddar cheese 50
1 pat butter 35
1oz chopped onion 5
1 dill pickle 10
1:30 PM
1 can Progresso chicken herb dumpling soup 200
1 english muffin 100
1 pat butter 35
1oz sliced tomato 10
crystal light 10
6:30 PM
4oz broiled pork chop 240
1/2oz sword fish 20
3/4 cup curry rice 165
small green salad 30
3 tbsp lite Cesar dressing 135
4oz baked red potatoes 100
5oz brussel sprouts 50
6oz watermelon 52
12oz green tea w/sugar in the raw 1 pckt 20
9:30 PM
small lite yogurt 45
Grand total of 1457 calories for the day, and I enjoyed every bite today! the omelet my wife made me was great and the entire breakfast including the pickle was only 245 calories! I will be making that again. I cannot feel like I am on a diet when I eat like I did today and all within my 1500 alloted calories. How could I have not done this sooner?!? I feel like I am eating better than I have in years AND I am dropping pounds! as you can see i am happy with how this whole change is turning out for me so far, I still want to see how a whole month goes knowing my weight and seeing a positive number drop, and see exactly how I am doing per week etc but so far I am happy with the results. I will end this post here as I feel like I am going on and on here lol so I just want to thank you for following along once again. Thanks!
As Ever
I drank plenty of water and Green tea today, had 2 glasses of crystal light as well, but I am trying to limit the CL and get more pure water and green tea. No exercise today, I figured I would give my body one more day of rest before I got back on the bike etc, I plan on hitting the bike hard tomorrow though maybe I will ride it twice, once at my normal ride time and once after my kids go to bed for the night, we shall see.
My body is changing, if not in appearance (I can't tell anything yet visually, wife says she can see it) in the way that I can feel my muscles again, I am aware of them and can move them all independently of each other again, that may not make sense but its the only way I can describe it. The only Visual feature I can definitely see is my calves, they have always been large from the lifting weights as well as the carrying all of this around all the time, more the latter I believe, BUT I have definition in my calves again. I am not saying they are ripped, but you can see each individual muscle again and I am diggin on that lol.
This post is turning into an epic post so I will get to the best part which is the menu! and todays menu was outstanding from breakfast right through dinner, everything was good and filling and tasted great. heres to changing things up! the omelet! man that omelet!
10:00 AM
1 whole egg 70
4 egg whites 65
2oz sliced tomato 10
1oz Kraft lite cheddar cheese 50
1 pat butter 35
1oz chopped onion 5
1 dill pickle 10
1:30 PM
1 can Progresso chicken herb dumpling soup 200
1 english muffin 100
1 pat butter 35
1oz sliced tomato 10
crystal light 10
6:30 PM
4oz broiled pork chop 240
1/2oz sword fish 20
3/4 cup curry rice 165
small green salad 30
3 tbsp lite Cesar dressing 135
4oz baked red potatoes 100
5oz brussel sprouts 50
6oz watermelon 52
12oz green tea w/sugar in the raw 1 pckt 20
9:30 PM
small lite yogurt 45
Grand total of 1457 calories for the day, and I enjoyed every bite today! the omelet my wife made me was great and the entire breakfast including the pickle was only 245 calories! I will be making that again. I cannot feel like I am on a diet when I eat like I did today and all within my 1500 alloted calories. How could I have not done this sooner?!? I feel like I am eating better than I have in years AND I am dropping pounds! as you can see i am happy with how this whole change is turning out for me so far, I still want to see how a whole month goes knowing my weight and seeing a positive number drop, and see exactly how I am doing per week etc but so far I am happy with the results. I will end this post here as I feel like I am going on and on here lol so I just want to thank you for following along once again. Thanks!
As Ever
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Day 26
I decided to post the days happenings a little early this time around. it was an average Saturday and dinner at mom in laws is on for tomorrow. I don't know what she is making yet, we have to decide and call her in the morning with a shopping list :) any Ideas?
We made a Salsa chicken dish in the crock pot for dinner tonight and made rice and beans to go with it, it was pretty good and I will likely make it again, I read that its a weight watchers recipe and I may post it up on here later. I came in under calories for the day so I am glad for that, and the chicken was a good change from all of the roasted chicken we have been eating. I still feel good and not undernourished, actually feel like I am eating too much but it is only 1500 cals so I know I am good. I drank a ton of water and green tea today and I am trying to cut the crystal light back a bit.
I did get on the scale again this morning. man I gotta stop that. still in a downward motion so I am happy for that. I do miss riding the bike so I will ride tomorrow as I am feeling a bit better from this morning. I also want to thank everyone for their comments, the support is appreciated, I noticed a couple new names leaving them :) with that, I give you the menu..
10:30 AM
4 oz of Turkey 120
1.5 tbsp of Miracle whip 55
3 slices Beefsteak lite rye bread 120
2:15 PM
1 can lite Progresso south western veggies soup 120
6 Ritz crackers 96
5:45 PM
8oz salsa chicken breast 440
3/4 cup cooked white rice 150
1/2 cup pinto beans 80
2 tbp fat free sour cream 25
Crystal Light 15
7:00 PM
1 orange 85
8:00 PM
1 Bryers yogurt 170
Random bike picture, its an Italjet Griffon 650, I have been looking at lots of bikes lately and wify has agreed to let me get a bike as a reward when I hit my goal weight.
Grand total of 1476 calories for the day, I do think I am starting to eat later and later in the evening just to make up the calories, so I think I need to figure something out for that, I am up until 11:00pm most nights so from 8 to 11 is 3 hours so not too bad but still I feel its too late. I have a feeling that the meal at mom in laws will be calorie heavy again, last time was roast pork with all the trimmings. I will check this in the am and your assignment for the night/morning is to give me a recipe or idea for mom in law! lol Thanks for reading and tune in same bat time same bat channel next time kids!
As Ever
We made a Salsa chicken dish in the crock pot for dinner tonight and made rice and beans to go with it, it was pretty good and I will likely make it again, I read that its a weight watchers recipe and I may post it up on here later. I came in under calories for the day so I am glad for that, and the chicken was a good change from all of the roasted chicken we have been eating. I still feel good and not undernourished, actually feel like I am eating too much but it is only 1500 cals so I know I am good. I drank a ton of water and green tea today and I am trying to cut the crystal light back a bit.
I did get on the scale again this morning. man I gotta stop that. still in a downward motion so I am happy for that. I do miss riding the bike so I will ride tomorrow as I am feeling a bit better from this morning. I also want to thank everyone for their comments, the support is appreciated, I noticed a couple new names leaving them :) with that, I give you the menu..
10:30 AM
4 oz of Turkey 120
1.5 tbsp of Miracle whip 55
3 slices Beefsteak lite rye bread 120
2:15 PM
1 can lite Progresso south western veggies soup 120
6 Ritz crackers 96
5:45 PM
8oz salsa chicken breast 440
3/4 cup cooked white rice 150
1/2 cup pinto beans 80
2 tbp fat free sour cream 25
Crystal Light 15
7:00 PM
1 orange 85
8:00 PM
1 Bryers yogurt 170

Grand total of 1476 calories for the day, I do think I am starting to eat later and later in the evening just to make up the calories, so I think I need to figure something out for that, I am up until 11:00pm most nights so from 8 to 11 is 3 hours so not too bad but still I feel its too late. I have a feeling that the meal at mom in laws will be calorie heavy again, last time was roast pork with all the trimmings. I will check this in the am and your assignment for the night/morning is to give me a recipe or idea for mom in law! lol Thanks for reading and tune in same bat time same bat channel next time kids!
As Ever
Day 25
Friday gone and another good day besides the lack of exercise, I came in slightly over my calorie limit at 1555 cals. I was lured in by some late night popcorn that my wife had, we watched 3:10 train to Yuma, it was an ok flick, we watched the Russel Crow version. I cannot stay off of that scale! I have to try harder I guess lol its steadily going down day to day so I am happy with that but I really think the psychological advantage will be seeing it come off in a big chunk instead of a little each day.
I still have a bit of sore throat and a little bit of something going on in my chest, but feeling better than yesterday, hopefully it goes away today or I wake up tomorrow and its gone. I honestly want to ride the bike :) and we were invited to go to my Mother in laws for a Sunday dinner again, but if I am sick I don't want to get anyone sick that doesn't have to be sick. with that I give you the menu for the day.
9:00 AM
2 slices beefsteak lite rye bread 80
3oz perdue sliced turkey 90
1 tbsp Miracle whip 35
11:00 AM
1 apple 75
1:30 PM
2 slices beefsteak lite rye bread 80
3oz perdue sliced turkey 90
1 tbsp Miracle whip 35
crystal light 10
7 ritz crackers 112
1oz Vermont sharp cheddar cheese 110
5:30 PM
2 cups home made soup 310
3/4 cup cooked white rice 150
crystal light 10
7:30 PM
1 quaker rice cake (cheese) 45
8:45 PM
8 Ritz crackers 128
1oz Vermont sharp cheddar cheese 110
10:45 PM
3 cups air popped popcorn & butter 85
Grand total of 1555 calories for the day, I went a little over due to the popcorn during the movie, I am not too worried about it though, its only 55 calories and really the first day this week that I actually made it to 1500 calories let alone go over. I can't wait to get rid of this cold or whatever it is so I can get back on the bike. also I cannot wait till Tuesday for my "official weigh in" again I thank you for reading and for all of your comments.
As Ever
I still have a bit of sore throat and a little bit of something going on in my chest, but feeling better than yesterday, hopefully it goes away today or I wake up tomorrow and its gone. I honestly want to ride the bike :) and we were invited to go to my Mother in laws for a Sunday dinner again, but if I am sick I don't want to get anyone sick that doesn't have to be sick. with that I give you the menu for the day.
9:00 AM
2 slices beefsteak lite rye bread 80
3oz perdue sliced turkey 90
1 tbsp Miracle whip 35
11:00 AM
1 apple 75
1:30 PM
2 slices beefsteak lite rye bread 80
3oz perdue sliced turkey 90
1 tbsp Miracle whip 35
crystal light 10
7 ritz crackers 112
1oz Vermont sharp cheddar cheese 110
5:30 PM
2 cups home made soup 310
3/4 cup cooked white rice 150
crystal light 10
7:30 PM
1 quaker rice cake (cheese) 45
8:45 PM
8 Ritz crackers 128
1oz Vermont sharp cheddar cheese 110
10:45 PM
3 cups air popped popcorn & butter 85
Grand total of 1555 calories for the day, I went a little over due to the popcorn during the movie, I am not too worried about it though, its only 55 calories and really the first day this week that I actually made it to 1500 calories let alone go over. I can't wait to get rid of this cold or whatever it is so I can get back on the bike. also I cannot wait till Tuesday for my "official weigh in" again I thank you for reading and for all of your comments.
As Ever
Friday, January 25, 2008
Day 24
Another Thursday down, and closing in on 1 month at this. I will take a new photo on Sunday, when I started this I took some before photos and plan on taking a couple pictures per month on the last Sunday of each month to compare them. I did take a couple pictures at the 2 week mark but I am curious to see if theres a difference in one month, being a big fella I don't expect to see too much of a change if any at all but its still fun to have the comparison.
I wasn't feeling too hot Thursday (sore throat and the start of a cough, my wife is getting over the exact same thing, Thanks Hon! lol) so I did not ride the bike or any exercise at all for that matter. I woke up today (Friday) and can feel something in my chest, have a slight cough and no voice! I bet she will be happy about that last part ;). so in short I will be skipping the bike again today, which annoys me lol. a month ago it would have annoyed me to have to ride it! now I am annoyed that I can't. who wouldda thunk?
Speaking of pictures, I thought I would post up a picture of me. its a couple years old (maybe from late 2003 to maybe 2004 somewhere in there) I would guess me in the mid 400's in the picture
Me and a couple buddies, Las Vegas Riviera, I had this on my hard drive so I thought I would share. I am the fella in the center, I would guess me at mid 400lbs give or take in this photo click for full sized pic.
Onto the menu...
10:00 AM
2 cups bran cereal 180
1 cup 1% milk 110
12:30 PM
1 can lite Progresso soup 120
7.5 Ritz crackers 120
1 apple 75
4:00 PM
1 quaker rice cake 60
6:30 PM
4 oz of Turkey 120
3 slices of whole wheat bread 210
1.5 tbsp of Miracle whip 55
6 oz baby carrots 80
1 tbsp lite cesar dressing 45
8:30 PM
1 apple 75
2 tbsp peanut butter 190
Grand total of 1440 calories for the day, I am still having a time getting in all 1500 calories every day, the apple and peanut butter was only to make the calories, I didn't want it. I hope this cold or whatever it is passes fast so I can get back o n the bike. as always i want to thank you for following me.
As Ever
I wasn't feeling too hot Thursday (sore throat and the start of a cough, my wife is getting over the exact same thing, Thanks Hon! lol) so I did not ride the bike or any exercise at all for that matter. I woke up today (Friday) and can feel something in my chest, have a slight cough and no voice! I bet she will be happy about that last part ;). so in short I will be skipping the bike again today, which annoys me lol. a month ago it would have annoyed me to have to ride it! now I am annoyed that I can't. who wouldda thunk?
Speaking of pictures, I thought I would post up a picture of me. its a couple years old (maybe from late 2003 to maybe 2004 somewhere in there) I would guess me in the mid 400's in the picture

10:00 AM
2 cups bran cereal 180
1 cup 1% milk 110
12:30 PM
1 can lite Progresso soup 120
7.5 Ritz crackers 120
1 apple 75
4:00 PM
1 quaker rice cake 60
6:30 PM
4 oz of Turkey 120
3 slices of whole wheat bread 210
1.5 tbsp of Miracle whip 55
6 oz baby carrots 80
1 tbsp lite cesar dressing 45
8:30 PM
1 apple 75
2 tbsp peanut butter 190
Grand total of 1440 calories for the day, I am still having a time getting in all 1500 calories every day, the apple and peanut butter was only to make the calories, I didn't want it. I hope this cold or whatever it is passes fast so I can get back o n the bike. as always i want to thank you for following me.
As Ever
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Say hello to Dad
I have a strong feeling that my Father found this blog, so much for anonymity. lol. so say ello ello to Dad, the worse part? I inadvertently had him search something on the web and I am 99.99999% sure he saw the link when he searched so, don't think you're that smart old man!
I just thought I would post this here (mostly just to let him know that I know he found it! lol) That is all..please tune in at the regularly scheduled time for the next episode of "as the world turns" ;)
As Ever
I just thought I would post this here (mostly just to let him know that I know he found it! lol) That is all..please tune in at the regularly scheduled time for the next episode of "as the world turns" ;)
As Ever
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Day 23
I will combine the exercise post with the day 23 post because I didn't get a chance to post it up yet. exercise was the normal 15 mins on the bike and the push ups (which are getting easier) and some light stretching, nothing special to report about the exercise.
The day went fine eating wise and I came really close to the 1500 mark again, and anything that is on my list for the last week or so where I say 2% milk is wrong, the wife pulled a fast one on me and bought 1% fat free milk, so the cals are slightly lower where milk was used, nothing significant. I have decided to set my second short term goal, the first one is to get below the 500's the second will be to hit 479lbs, which is what my weight was the last time I weighed myself about 5 years ago, and that is the first time I have ever spoken about that weight to anyone! except my wife earlier today. I think it will be a major milestone to get below that 479 for me just to know its the lowest in 5 years.
A possible speed bump came into my mind when my son had a Cadbury creme egg yesterday, and I have to admit those things are my biggest weakness. I can't get enough of them around Easter. I think I am going to challenge myself with the chance at a treat for a reward. if I can get to 479 by Easter, I will treat myself to 4 Cadbury eggs to eat 1 per week starting on Easter day, and the calories will be outside my 1500 limit for which ever day I have them, they are only 150 calories each by the way ;). thats 33 lbs in just about 2 months perfectly. i think its a good motivator and at a total cost of 600 calories spread over 4 weeks if I make it. My father gave me the Idea of not cutting a treat now and then out completely. anyways I am blabbing away again, let me get to the menu.
8:30 AM
2 cups bran cereal 180
1 cup 2% milk 130
12:40 PM
1 can lite Progresso soup 120
7.5 Ritz crackers 120
16oz green tea 3 tspn sugar 75
1:45 PM
1 banana 120
6:00 PM
1/2 cup refried beans (3 tacos) 90
3 small mission white tortillas 165
1oz Kraft lite cheddar cheese 50
2 oz tomato 10
1oz lettuce 5
2tblsp All Natural Salsa 10
1 Van de camp fish fillet 140
2 slices jalapeno 5
large glass crystal light 25
8:45 PM
12 oz 1% Milk 165
Quaker Rice Cake 60
Grand total of 1470 calories for the day, not a bad day. we tweaked the taco recipe that I posted up a while back and made fish tacos, which if I do say so myself were pretty good. its so hard to stay off of that scale! I want to get on it every half hour lol. once again I thank you for reading, Thanks!
As Ever
The day went fine eating wise and I came really close to the 1500 mark again, and anything that is on my list for the last week or so where I say 2% milk is wrong, the wife pulled a fast one on me and bought 1% fat free milk, so the cals are slightly lower where milk was used, nothing significant. I have decided to set my second short term goal, the first one is to get below the 500's the second will be to hit 479lbs, which is what my weight was the last time I weighed myself about 5 years ago, and that is the first time I have ever spoken about that weight to anyone! except my wife earlier today. I think it will be a major milestone to get below that 479 for me just to know its the lowest in 5 years.
A possible speed bump came into my mind when my son had a Cadbury creme egg yesterday, and I have to admit those things are my biggest weakness. I can't get enough of them around Easter. I think I am going to challenge myself with the chance at a treat for a reward. if I can get to 479 by Easter, I will treat myself to 4 Cadbury eggs to eat 1 per week starting on Easter day, and the calories will be outside my 1500 limit for which ever day I have them, they are only 150 calories each by the way ;). thats 33 lbs in just about 2 months perfectly. i think its a good motivator and at a total cost of 600 calories spread over 4 weeks if I make it. My father gave me the Idea of not cutting a treat now and then out completely. anyways I am blabbing away again, let me get to the menu.
8:30 AM
2 cups bran cereal 180
1 cup 2% milk 130
12:40 PM
1 can lite Progresso soup 120
7.5 Ritz crackers 120
16oz green tea 3 tspn sugar 75
1:45 PM
1 banana 120
6:00 PM
1/2 cup refried beans (3 tacos) 90
3 small mission white tortillas 165
1oz Kraft lite cheddar cheese 50
2 oz tomato 10
1oz lettuce 5
2tblsp All Natural Salsa 10
1 Van de camp fish fillet 140
2 slices jalapeno 5
large glass crystal light 25
8:45 PM
12 oz 1% Milk 165
Quaker Rice Cake 60
Grand total of 1470 calories for the day, not a bad day. we tweaked the taco recipe that I posted up a while back and made fish tacos, which if I do say so myself were pretty good. its so hard to stay off of that scale! I want to get on it every half hour lol. once again I thank you for reading, Thanks!
As Ever
Injury insert
One of the people that follows my blog asked about an injury that I got in 2000, and I noticed that I never really got into that so I will give a short insert to explain that. so here goes for Sandy and the rest of you guys that read along with my page.
Back in 2000 when I was I would say 350 lbs or so give or take, and living decently healthy, running and lifting weights (almost) regularly I was loading a truck with 91lb bags of Portland cement, a whole pallet full mind you. and this really was not a hard task and was something that I did from time to time, I worked with cement and building materials from age 18 till about 26 or so working in the construction/Fence field. anyways I was loading this truck standing between the pallet and the back of the truck, picking up the bags and tossing them into the bed of the truck and there was another guy inside the bed sliding them forward and stacking, so mid swing with one of these nearly 100 lb bags, the other guy decided to hop down between me and the truck and I was in mid swing with a bag mind you. so twisting (yeah I know not the best idea with a 100 lb bag in hand) up into the truck with the bag and suddenly this 140lb guy is between me and the truck and I am in full swing. I guess it was instinct that made me not toss the bag into him, I stopped the momentum of the bag and probably saved him from getting folded in half between me and the bag and the open tailgate of the truck we were loading (which in hindsight may have been the better choice for me). and with that swing I was given the wonderful gift of a disk injury in my lower back (3 disks were affected), that put me out of commission for 2-3 years before it was not painful to walk or stand etc, the doctor wanted me to get a surgery but I knew a guy that had a back surgery and had nothing but bad things happen afterwards, so I declined and I chose to "see what happens with time" as he put it, the Doc also gave my weightlifting a gold star and said if I had not had such a strong base that the injury would have been much worse. I told him if I had not been as big as I was I probably would not have been heaving 91lb bags of cement either though lol. I still have back pain to this day from the injury and I blame the pain for my weight gain (the cookies and cake probably didn't help either) as I was unable to do anything that half way resembled a workout.
So here I am 7 years later my back still hurts every now and again and I think it still hurts every day, honestly I am just use to the pain so I think my body has fooled itself into thinking its not there. and there you have the main (in my opinion) reason that I blew up to my current size.
Thanks for reading and I hope that answers any questions concerning my injury, as always thanks for reading
As Ever
Back in 2000 when I was I would say 350 lbs or so give or take, and living decently healthy, running and lifting weights (almost) regularly I was loading a truck with 91lb bags of Portland cement, a whole pallet full mind you. and this really was not a hard task and was something that I did from time to time, I worked with cement and building materials from age 18 till about 26 or so working in the construction/Fence field. anyways I was loading this truck standing between the pallet and the back of the truck, picking up the bags and tossing them into the bed of the truck and there was another guy inside the bed sliding them forward and stacking, so mid swing with one of these nearly 100 lb bags, the other guy decided to hop down between me and the truck and I was in mid swing with a bag mind you. so twisting (yeah I know not the best idea with a 100 lb bag in hand) up into the truck with the bag and suddenly this 140lb guy is between me and the truck and I am in full swing. I guess it was instinct that made me not toss the bag into him, I stopped the momentum of the bag and probably saved him from getting folded in half between me and the bag and the open tailgate of the truck we were loading (which in hindsight may have been the better choice for me). and with that swing I was given the wonderful gift of a disk injury in my lower back (3 disks were affected), that put me out of commission for 2-3 years before it was not painful to walk or stand etc, the doctor wanted me to get a surgery but I knew a guy that had a back surgery and had nothing but bad things happen afterwards, so I declined and I chose to "see what happens with time" as he put it, the Doc also gave my weightlifting a gold star and said if I had not had such a strong base that the injury would have been much worse. I told him if I had not been as big as I was I probably would not have been heaving 91lb bags of cement either though lol. I still have back pain to this day from the injury and I blame the pain for my weight gain (the cookies and cake probably didn't help either) as I was unable to do anything that half way resembled a workout.
So here I am 7 years later my back still hurts every now and again and I think it still hurts every day, honestly I am just use to the pain so I think my body has fooled itself into thinking its not there. and there you have the main (in my opinion) reason that I blew up to my current size.
Thanks for reading and I hope that answers any questions concerning my injury, as always thanks for reading
As Ever
Day 22
2 men enter 1 man leaves, it dawned on me just how much I have to lose now knowing what I weigh, I have to lose more than my brothers entire weight off of me! no worries, I got this... the day went well, I was in a good mood all day because of the new scale, exercised on schedule and stayed under calories by 200, I didn't mean to do that it just turned out that way, and I didn't want to eat calories just for the sake of hitting that magical number. my first goal is to get out of the 500's and into the 400's I don't want to stay here on the 500 block any longer!
I woke up today and wanted to hop right on that scale (and I still may) but I think that I want to try and do it strictly once a week, its just hard not to get on it first thing! lol like I lost weight over night or something... shhhhhurre lol. I am happy with how this whole process is going so far and the scale was just a boost for that. let me get on with the menu before I keep you here reading for an hour! lol
9:00 AM
2.5 hebrew national hotdogs 115
2 slices Beefsteak lite rye bread 80
glass of crystal light 15
2:15 PM
1 boiled egg 70
2 slices Beefsteak lite rye bread 80
1 tbsp Miracle whip 35
1 Van De Camp fish fillet 140
big glass of crystal light 15
5:30 PM
2 Van De Camp fish fillets 280
3/4 cup cooked white rice 150
8 brussel sprouts 60
crystal light 10
1 pat butter 35
7:30 PM
16oz green tea 2 tbsp sugar 100
1 banana 120

Grand total of 1305 calories for the day, came in a little low, which is ok by me. I was not hungry so I didn't eat the last 200 cals. I figure as long as I am not doing that more often than not I should be ok. Master Blaster DOES NOT run Barter town! I just took it back! as always Thanks for reading and for all of the comments!
As Ever
I woke up today and wanted to hop right on that scale (and I still may) but I think that I want to try and do it strictly once a week, its just hard not to get on it first thing! lol like I lost weight over night or something... shhhhhurre lol. I am happy with how this whole process is going so far and the scale was just a boost for that. let me get on with the menu before I keep you here reading for an hour! lol
9:00 AM
2.5 hebrew national hotdogs 115
2 slices Beefsteak lite rye bread 80
glass of crystal light 15
2:15 PM
1 boiled egg 70
2 slices Beefsteak lite rye bread 80
1 tbsp Miracle whip 35
1 Van De Camp fish fillet 140
big glass of crystal light 15
5:30 PM
2 Van De Camp fish fillets 280
3/4 cup cooked white rice 150
8 brussel sprouts 60
crystal light 10
1 pat butter 35
7:30 PM
16oz green tea 2 tbsp sugar 100
1 banana 120

Grand total of 1305 calories for the day, came in a little low, which is ok by me. I was not hungry so I didn't eat the last 200 cals. I figure as long as I am not doing that more often than not I should be ok. Master Blaster DOES NOT run Barter town! I just took it back! as always Thanks for reading and for all of the comments!
As Ever
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
15 more minutes on the bike and a few more push ups down and I am feeling great today, because I know my weight and I know that in a week I will have something positive to gauge my weight loss/gain against. I set a short term goal for myself to get under the 500lb mark. this is getting interesting for me now, I have all kinds of stuff going on in my head as far as goals etc go, right on up to some longer term goals, one of the longer term goals is to be able to run 2 miles again. over all feeling for the day is great.
very short post but I wanted to get it in there, as usual thanks for reading. Thanks
As Ever
very short post but I wanted to get it in there, as usual thanks for reading. Thanks
As Ever
The Weigh in
Ok so like I said I was expecting the scale today, well its here! I heard the mail truck pull up and the scale was in the house and unwrapped in record time, batteries in it and off I went to the hard kitchen floor, stood on the scale and...
Before I get to that, the scale is very sturdy upon my first assessment, it better be! it supports 550 lbs, it is very thin but very wide. I am happy with its construction so far (its been about 45 minutes that I have had it) so we shall see. it has a very pleasing voice that states the weight once its calibrated (probably won't use this feature) so far so good.
So..where was I, oh yeah, I stepped onto the scale and it said in that pleasant voice five hundred thirteen pounds. a huge smile had to come over my face as I was relieved that it held me and gave me a number! first time in history someone was happy to hear that they weighed five hundred thirteen lbs lbs? maybe, maybe not lol. I decided to get on and off a few times and the next time said 511.3, then 512.1, then 511.6 so I am going to call the start weight (start from today anyways I will never know what my real start weight was) 512 this is the starting weight for me as of 01-22-08.
I am so happy to finally know what that magical weight is,..magical yeah thats it lol really I am happy that I know now and can check weekly, I might weigh in tomorrow morning when I wake up because right now I have had at least 2 glasses of water and my breakfast so I want a clean morning weight and I may start the weight off there. I haven't decided yet, either way WOW I am freekin 512 lbs....thats a lot of potatoes! the bright side of this? my target weight is 275 lbs and I look decent at 300! lol at least I am not shooting for 180 or something like that! I could write all day about how excited I am to know my weight! so before I do that I will end this post here and I will probably post up my exercise later on. 512! man! I gots a long road ahead of me :) Thanks for all of the support and as always thank you for reading.
As Ever
Before I get to that, the scale is very sturdy upon my first assessment, it better be! it supports 550 lbs, it is very thin but very wide. I am happy with its construction so far (its been about 45 minutes that I have had it) so we shall see. it has a very pleasing voice that states the weight once its calibrated (probably won't use this feature) so far so good.
So..where was I, oh yeah, I stepped onto the scale and it said in that pleasant voice five hundred thirteen pounds. a huge smile had to come over my face as I was relieved that it held me and gave me a number! first time in history someone was happy to hear that they weighed five hundred thirteen lbs lbs? maybe, maybe not lol. I decided to get on and off a few times and the next time said 511.3, then 512.1, then 511.6 so I am going to call the start weight (start from today anyways I will never know what my real start weight was) 512 this is the starting weight for me as of 01-22-08.
I am so happy to finally know what that magical weight is,..magical yeah thats it lol really I am happy that I know now and can check weekly, I might weigh in tomorrow morning when I wake up because right now I have had at least 2 glasses of water and my breakfast so I want a clean morning weight and I may start the weight off there. I haven't decided yet, either way WOW I am freekin 512 lbs....thats a lot of potatoes! the bright side of this? my target weight is 275 lbs and I look decent at 300! lol at least I am not shooting for 180 or something like that! I could write all day about how excited I am to know my weight! so before I do that I will end this post here and I will probably post up my exercise later on. 512! man! I gots a long road ahead of me :) Thanks for all of the support and as always thank you for reading.
As Ever
Day 21
It was a good day, wifey and my boy were home because of MLK day, I got back on the bike after the weekend off and still staying close to that 1500 mark, the smell of soup was in the air as we made Dads chicken soup (it was very good!) it was a great day actually until my 2 year old accidentally knocked my guitar off of its stand and knocked a small chunk out of the top of the head, and ironically what chipped the guitar was the exercise bike that it landed on!
I am very anxious today (Tuesday) because the scale that I ordered should be here, I am still a bit worried that I will get on and it will grunt and tell me to get off lol. I will most definitely be posting an entry when/if it arrives with the results, hopefully I get a number and not a grunt when I get on! since I will e posting (hopefully) later with the arrival of that scale I will keep this post relatively short, and onto the menu.
9:00 AM
2 cups bran cereal 180
1 cup 2% milk 130
1:00 PM
2 hebrew national hotdogs 90
2 slices Beefsteak lite rye bread 80
small green salad 50
2 tbsp lite Cesar dressing 90
large glass of crystal light 20
5:45 PM
2 cups Dads chicken soup 400
3/4 cup cooked white rice 150
1 slice Beefsteak lite rye bread 40
9:00 PM
5 cups of air popped popcorn 100
2 pats of butter 70
Grand total of 1400 calories for the day, all I have on my mind today as I write this is that scale and my damaged guitar. sorry if I am obsessing a bit with those two things lol. were suppose to get some more snow this afternoon and into the evening...yay more snow, can you feel my sarcasm....um I mean excitement? ;) anyways thanks for reading and tune in for scale results (hopefully) later on in the day!
As Ever
I am very anxious today (Tuesday) because the scale that I ordered should be here, I am still a bit worried that I will get on and it will grunt and tell me to get off lol. I will most definitely be posting an entry when/if it arrives with the results, hopefully I get a number and not a grunt when I get on! since I will e posting (hopefully) later with the arrival of that scale I will keep this post relatively short, and onto the menu.
9:00 AM
2 cups bran cereal 180
1 cup 2% milk 130
1:00 PM
2 hebrew national hotdogs 90
2 slices Beefsteak lite rye bread 80
small green salad 50
2 tbsp lite Cesar dressing 90
large glass of crystal light 20
5:45 PM
2 cups Dads chicken soup 400
3/4 cup cooked white rice 150
1 slice Beefsteak lite rye bread 40
9:00 PM
5 cups of air popped popcorn 100
2 pats of butter 70
Grand total of 1400 calories for the day, all I have on my mind today as I write this is that scale and my damaged guitar. sorry if I am obsessing a bit with those two things lol. were suppose to get some more snow this afternoon and into the evening...yay more snow, can you feel my sarcasm....um I mean excitement? ;) anyways thanks for reading and tune in for scale results (hopefully) later on in the day!
As Ever
Monday, January 21, 2008
Green tea and my Guitar
I just thought I would make a post with some of the Green tea choices out there and the 3 that I use. I have been drinking green tea for about 5 years now, but not for its benefits more so for the taste, I recently added green tea to my new lifestyle for its benefits vs its taste. BUT that doesn't mean that I can't enjoy it, and what I have found is that not all green tea tastes the same or good. the first of the teas that I use is whats called "Gunpowder tea" and is basically just dried green tea leaves, I have a jar that came from china via a friend of mine that I use to work with, she brought it back for me. to me it has a light taste and no tartness at all, and I drink it with nothing more than the leaves, drop 1/2 tspn (approximately) into a cup of hot water and in about 15 mins time the leaves hydrate and open up and you have a nice cup of tea.

I also use Green tea in a traditional a teabag like any old Lipton tea would come packaged, which is the easiest to make just pop a cup of water in the microwave with a bag in it and you have tea in a few minutes. I find that the tea in the bags is a little bit tart compared to the gunpowder tea, but as it is the most convenient and fast to make its what I usually have unless I am just relaxing and don't care that it takes a bit more time to make. I do use a small amount of white sugar in the bagged tea. The tea I have was bought at a Chinese grocery store in Bridgeport CT, I won't bore you with a picture, we all know what a teabag looks like ;)
The third kind is something my wife found while out looking around, Arizona tea makes a diet green tea with Honey and Ginseng, the label says 0 calories and this stuff is good! I am still researching this Arizona tea to make sure it is just the tea, honey and it says sweetened with splenda, everything I have found says its the real deal as far as being brewed tea so far. so it will be on the menu until I find something saying otherwise.

The Health Benefits of Drinking Green Tea
Green tea is particularly rich in a type of polyphenols called catechins, which studies say helps the body burn fat.
Green tea has been proven to reduce cholesterol levels, as well as triglycerides. It can even prove beneficial for those who wish to increase their HDL ("good") cholesterol levels.
A boost in the immune system, as well as weight loss, has been seen in those who drink green tea on regular basis.
Green tea also provides anti-cancer agents that can also be found in black tea.
When dieting, some of the benefits of drinking green tea can be seen through the high concentration of antioxidants that can be found.
Reports have found that green tea possesses 50 times more strength than Vitamin E and C.
Studies have also shown that the benefits of green tea for dieting are visible when drinking one cup every day for one year. A loss of five pounds is one of the advantages to making this a habit.
I just thought I would post this information up because I have been reading and maybe someone else who may not have tried green tea could use the info and or opinions on brands etc. that and my daughter took a chunk off of the head on my guitar by knocking it off of its stand tonight, and I had to get it out of my mind, I just hope she didn't damage the way it sounds. so far it looks like its ok (other than the chunk missing) but I will likely get it checked out anyways.
As Ever

This is how the "Gunpowder tea " comes packaged and below is how it looks after it hydrates
I also use Green tea in a traditional a teabag like any old Lipton tea would come packaged, which is the easiest to make just pop a cup of water in the microwave with a bag in it and you have tea in a few minutes. I find that the tea in the bags is a little bit tart compared to the gunpowder tea, but as it is the most convenient and fast to make its what I usually have unless I am just relaxing and don't care that it takes a bit more time to make. I do use a small amount of white sugar in the bagged tea. The tea I have was bought at a Chinese grocery store in Bridgeport CT, I won't bore you with a picture, we all know what a teabag looks like ;)
The third kind is something my wife found while out looking around, Arizona tea makes a diet green tea with Honey and Ginseng, the label says 0 calories and this stuff is good! I am still researching this Arizona tea to make sure it is just the tea, honey and it says sweetened with splenda, everything I have found says its the real deal as far as being brewed tea so far. so it will be on the menu until I find something saying otherwise.

The Health Benefits of Drinking Green Tea
Green tea is particularly rich in a type of polyphenols called catechins, which studies say helps the body burn fat.
Green tea has been proven to reduce cholesterol levels, as well as triglycerides. It can even prove beneficial for those who wish to increase their HDL ("good") cholesterol levels.
A boost in the immune system, as well as weight loss, has been seen in those who drink green tea on regular basis.
Green tea also provides anti-cancer agents that can also be found in black tea.
When dieting, some of the benefits of drinking green tea can be seen through the high concentration of antioxidants that can be found.
Reports have found that green tea possesses 50 times more strength than Vitamin E and C.
Studies have also shown that the benefits of green tea for dieting are visible when drinking one cup every day for one year. A loss of five pounds is one of the advantages to making this a habit.
I just thought I would post this information up because I have been reading and maybe someone else who may not have tried green tea could use the info and or opinions on brands etc. that and my daughter took a chunk off of the head on my guitar by knocking it off of its stand tonight, and I had to get it out of my mind, I just hope she didn't damage the way it sounds. so far it looks like its ok (other than the chunk missing) but I will likely get it checked out anyways.
As Ever
Exercise part deux
Exercise has commenced once again! I got in a 20 min bike ride along with the push ups and a 10 min stretching routine. feeling good again...wait did I ever say I didn't feel good...hmmmm Still feeling good!! :)
I gotta say, I didn't want to ride the bike today but once I got on I did 20 minutes and only stopped because I didn't want to run myself down, it is after all only Monday. the house has been full of kids running around playing all day, a friend stopped by with her daughter so I almost felt like it was going to be hard to get a ride in, but they all left to the mall and the house was/is mine!
No music today I started before I got a chance to set up the mp3 so I just watched tv while I rode today, which surprisingly made the time go by easily. nothing more to post up so I will just post a cool Alice in wonderland pic I have on my hard drive.

As Ever
I gotta say, I didn't want to ride the bike today but once I got on I did 20 minutes and only stopped because I didn't want to run myself down, it is after all only Monday. the house has been full of kids running around playing all day, a friend stopped by with her daughter so I almost felt like it was going to be hard to get a ride in, but they all left to the mall and the house was/is mine!
No music today I started before I got a chance to set up the mp3 so I just watched tv while I rode today, which surprisingly made the time go by easily. nothing more to post up so I will just post a cool Alice in wonderland pic I have on my hard drive.

As Ever
Day 20
Another week has come to an end and the journey goes well. something I noticed lately is on the News in the morning (my morning ritual) they are showing lots and lots of weight loss stuff, I mentioned this to my wife a week of so ago and she thought that maybe because its the beginning of the year. I think its going to be the new trend, the new smoking if you will. media hypes it all up and before you know it the world has obesity on the top rung and somewhere someone is making a killing off of it. bah media...I won't go too much more into that or else you fine people that care to follow me will be reading for an hour and a half here ;)
I got the calorie thing down pretty good now, I have been hitting very close to the 1500 mark lately. dinner went well with my father in law, he had a few questions as to how we were doing and what exactly we were doing as far as this change goes, over all seemed supportive and happy that we have decided to go this route.
The 15 degree weather has not let up here in good old New England so I have not gone on a walk about in a while. I skipped the bike all weekend as well, today I will ride again when the baby takes her nap, and the push ups are daily no matter what. I will also start in on some meditation tomorrow, the wife and my son are home today due to the holiday so it would be counter productive to start today. I blabbed enough so lets get onto that menu for the day.
12:00 PM
1/2 cup refried beans (3 tacos) 90
3 small mission white tortillas 165
1oz Kraft lite cheddar cheese 50
2 oz tomato 10
1oz lettuce 5
2tblsp All Natural Salsa 10
crystal light 5
4:00 PM
2 slices Beefsteak light Rye Bread 80
2 hebrew national hotdogs 90
6:30 PM
3oz pork 200
1 cup cooked white rice 200
1 cup green beans 40
lite cesar dressing 135
small green salad 50
1 pat butter 35
large glass crystal light 30
9:00 PM
16oz green tea 2 tbsp sugar 100
11:00 PM
5 cups air popped popcorn 100
2 pats butter 70
glass crystal light 20
Grand total of 1485 calories for the day, waking up later on the weekends is making my dinner larger on the weekends because I get a late start. I did use some sugar in my green tea last night to make up a few calories (probably not a good idea but hey) and we watched Resident Evil 2 last night, I had a good sized bowl of popcorn with butter on it (more making up calories) the movie was as good as the first movie so if you like the series you may like this one, nothing great though. I am still anticipating that scales arrival and I am unsure if there is mail delivery today because of the holiday, if there is....I will have it today, if not, tomorrow.
Just like always, I thank you for reading and following along with me. Thanks
As Ever
I got the calorie thing down pretty good now, I have been hitting very close to the 1500 mark lately. dinner went well with my father in law, he had a few questions as to how we were doing and what exactly we were doing as far as this change goes, over all seemed supportive and happy that we have decided to go this route.
The 15 degree weather has not let up here in good old New England so I have not gone on a walk about in a while. I skipped the bike all weekend as well, today I will ride again when the baby takes her nap, and the push ups are daily no matter what. I will also start in on some meditation tomorrow, the wife and my son are home today due to the holiday so it would be counter productive to start today. I blabbed enough so lets get onto that menu for the day.
12:00 PM
1/2 cup refried beans (3 tacos) 90
3 small mission white tortillas 165
1oz Kraft lite cheddar cheese 50
2 oz tomato 10
1oz lettuce 5
2tblsp All Natural Salsa 10
crystal light 5
4:00 PM
2 slices Beefsteak light Rye Bread 80
2 hebrew national hotdogs 90
6:30 PM
3oz pork 200
1 cup cooked white rice 200
1 cup green beans 40
lite cesar dressing 135
small green salad 50
1 pat butter 35
large glass crystal light 30
9:00 PM
16oz green tea 2 tbsp sugar 100
11:00 PM
5 cups air popped popcorn 100
2 pats butter 70
glass crystal light 20
Grand total of 1485 calories for the day, waking up later on the weekends is making my dinner larger on the weekends because I get a late start. I did use some sugar in my green tea last night to make up a few calories (probably not a good idea but hey) and we watched Resident Evil 2 last night, I had a good sized bowl of popcorn with butter on it (more making up calories) the movie was as good as the first movie so if you like the series you may like this one, nothing great though. I am still anticipating that scales arrival and I am unsure if there is mail delivery today because of the holiday, if there is....I will have it today, if not, tomorrow.
Just like always, I thank you for reading and following along with me. Thanks
As Ever
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Day 19
The day is over and I am up a later than normal so I decided I would post up the days happenings. I hit 1500 calories on the button, I did not get in any exercise besides some push ups today so feeling a bit lazy, but the plan I want to do has me taking the weekends off for riding the bike anyways so not so bad. it was cold today so no walks and we spent the evening just relaxing so all in all a pretty decent day. My father in law is stopping by for dinner tomorrow (Sunday) I plan on making Pork with rice and steamed brussel sprouts, so hopefully it turns out good. we had chicken last night, so I have a chicken carcass...time for Dads chicken soup! so the house should smell pretty good tomorrow between the soup and the pork.
On a different note I did check my email and found a shipping confirmation that I had missed for that scale I ordered, it was shipped Friday from GA, so I should have it by Tuesday which is great! unless of course I redline it and weigh more than its limit! dun dun dunnnnnn! I guess I will find out on Tuesday! I really hope that it works out and I am able to get a weight off of it, if I do I will post it along with the "Monthly minutes" and update the loss/gain weekly along with the exercise minutes and push ups. my wife is convinced that I will be able to use the scale, I am not as optimistic, now don't take that the wrong way and think I am not optimistic,only on the subject of that scale, everything else could not be going better thus far.
I read a thread on a forum I visit and someone asked what kind of rewards are people planning for themselves if they are successful with their weight loss, I read through a few and decided that if I can get where I want weight wise I shall reward myself with a Motorcycle, I refuse to own/ride one now because I don't want to end up on someones cell phone as "that fat dude on a bike" somewhere on the internet. lol seriously. I think I would be in the marlet for something along the lines of this. Its a 79 BMW R65 Cafe Racer, not as expensive as you might think and in my opinion as beautiful as a bike gets, and with that I give you the menu for the day and a few pictures.

Late Breakfast
11:45 AM
2 slices Beefsteak light Rye Bread 80
3 oz lean deli turkey breast 150
1 tbsp Miracle whip 35
glass of crystal light 5
1 pear 120
More of a snack Lunch
3:30 PM
1 english muffin 100
1 pat butter 35
less than 2oz sliced tomato 10
6:00 PM
2 Van De Camp fish fillets 280
1 cup cooked brown rice 220
1 pat butter 35
1 cup peas 140
1 Glass Crystal Light 25
8:00 PM
2 slices Beefsteak light Rye Bread 80
1 tbsp Miracle Whip 35
2oz sliced tomato 10
Crystal Light 10
10:00 PM
1 cup 2% milk 130
Grand total of 1500 calories for the day, hit that right on the nose! I learned that I dislike brown rice almost as much as I dislike wheat bread, meaning I can eat it if I must but I don't like it in a way that I would say to myself "mmm mmm gotta have me some brown rice!" so I think we will stick with the white, and only because this is not a temporary change, I don't think I can make myself like it, over all a good day. tomorrow may get a little rough with that soup cooking all day! Tune in tomorrow, same bat time same bat channel! as always I thank you for reading.
As Ever
On a different note I did check my email and found a shipping confirmation that I had missed for that scale I ordered, it was shipped Friday from GA, so I should have it by Tuesday which is great! unless of course I redline it and weigh more than its limit! dun dun dunnnnnn! I guess I will find out on Tuesday! I really hope that it works out and I am able to get a weight off of it, if I do I will post it along with the "Monthly minutes" and update the loss/gain weekly along with the exercise minutes and push ups. my wife is convinced that I will be able to use the scale, I am not as optimistic, now don't take that the wrong way and think I am not optimistic,only on the subject of that scale, everything else could not be going better thus far.
I read a thread on a forum I visit and someone asked what kind of rewards are people planning for themselves if they are successful with their weight loss, I read through a few and decided that if I can get where I want weight wise I shall reward myself with a Motorcycle, I refuse to own/ride one now because I don't want to end up on someones cell phone as "that fat dude on a bike" somewhere on the internet. lol seriously. I think I would be in the marlet for something along the lines of this. Its a 79 BMW R65 Cafe Racer, not as expensive as you might think and in my opinion as beautiful as a bike gets, and with that I give you the menu for the day and a few pictures.

Late Breakfast
11:45 AM
2 slices Beefsteak light Rye Bread 80
3 oz lean deli turkey breast 150
1 tbsp Miracle whip 35
glass of crystal light 5
1 pear 120
More of a snack Lunch
3:30 PM
1 english muffin 100
1 pat butter 35
less than 2oz sliced tomato 10
6:00 PM
2 Van De Camp fish fillets 280
1 cup cooked brown rice 220
1 pat butter 35
1 cup peas 140
1 Glass Crystal Light 25
8:00 PM
2 slices Beefsteak light Rye Bread 80
1 tbsp Miracle Whip 35
2oz sliced tomato 10
Crystal Light 10
10:00 PM
1 cup 2% milk 130
Grand total of 1500 calories for the day, hit that right on the nose! I learned that I dislike brown rice almost as much as I dislike wheat bread, meaning I can eat it if I must but I don't like it in a way that I would say to myself "mmm mmm gotta have me some brown rice!" so I think we will stick with the white, and only because this is not a temporary change, I don't think I can make myself like it, over all a good day. tomorrow may get a little rough with that soup cooking all day! Tune in tomorrow, same bat time same bat channel! as always I thank you for reading.
As Ever
Day 18
Every day that I successfully do this thing I wonder why it took so long to start, I am finding it pretty easy to stay on track so far and I actually feel guilty for not riding the bike because of the sore throat, which is feeling a bit better this morning. So I will likely give the bike a ride tonight. my son had a 90 min delay to school because of some more snow and he is asking more questions about the change in the way things are getting done around here as far as diet and exercise goes. I am lacking on the drinking water a bit, I think I am still getting enough just not as much as I would like, and I think adding the green tea is contributing to that. thats a lot of liquids!
Also I believe I am going to start meditating again, there was a point in my life that I was into meditation, which was coincidentally during the same time that I was a vegetarian and what I consider the healthiest time in my life. (had a girlfriend that was a veg so I became one blah blah blah) lol. but I did find that meditating was helpful to stay grounded, it also has a calming effect. and with that I give you the menu for the day.
8:30 AM
12 oz green tea 1 tspn sugar 25
9:30 AM
2 slices Beefsteak light Rye Bread 80
3 oz lean deli turkey breast 150
1 tbsp Miracle whip 35
12:15 PM
1 banana 105
1:30 PM
2 slices Beefsteak light Rye Bread 80
3 oz lean deli turkey breast 150
1 1/4 tbsp Miracle whip 45
1 pear 120
glass of crystal light 10
6:45 PM
3.5 oz roasted chicken breast (whole chicken) 165
1 cup peas 140
8oz baked potato 215
2 pats butter 70
crystal light 10
8:00 PM
1 Quaker rice cake 60
8:30 PM
1 small sugar free jello cup 10
Grand total of 1470 Calories for the day, and getting closer and closer to the goal of 1500 per day. I had been a bit low for a while. all in all its going very well and I am happy that I decided to do it and stick with it this time around, the one thing that has changed is the blogging and writing everything down on my Excel spreadsheet as well as reading a few forums. again I want to say thanks for your supportive words and Ideas, Thanks
Also I believe I am going to start meditating again, there was a point in my life that I was into meditation, which was coincidentally during the same time that I was a vegetarian and what I consider the healthiest time in my life. (had a girlfriend that was a veg so I became one blah blah blah) lol. but I did find that meditating was helpful to stay grounded, it also has a calming effect. and with that I give you the menu for the day.
8:30 AM
12 oz green tea 1 tspn sugar 25
9:30 AM
2 slices Beefsteak light Rye Bread 80
3 oz lean deli turkey breast 150
1 tbsp Miracle whip 35
12:15 PM
1 banana 105
1:30 PM
2 slices Beefsteak light Rye Bread 80
3 oz lean deli turkey breast 150
1 1/4 tbsp Miracle whip 45
1 pear 120
glass of crystal light 10
6:45 PM
3.5 oz roasted chicken breast (whole chicken) 165
1 cup peas 140
8oz baked potato 215
2 pats butter 70
crystal light 10
8:00 PM
1 Quaker rice cake 60
8:30 PM
1 small sugar free jello cup 10
Grand total of 1470 Calories for the day, and getting closer and closer to the goal of 1500 per day. I had been a bit low for a while. all in all its going very well and I am happy that I decided to do it and stick with it this time around, the one thing that has changed is the blogging and writing everything down on my Excel spreadsheet as well as reading a few forums. again I want to say thanks for your supportive words and Ideas, Thanks
Friday, January 18, 2008
Exercise or the lack there of

I woke up with a bit of a sore throat today and went on with the day hoping it would go away, but as the day progresses I am getting a bit achy and the throat is still sore, I decided to skip the bike ride for the day and just do the push ups. I will make up the bike time tomorrow hopefully if I can kick this sore throat and aches by then. I was bored so I made a couple avatars in PSP that are sorta modeled after me and wify lol. sorry I have nothing more exciting to post ;) .

As Ever
Day 17
There once was a boy named Tony, and he decided to do something about his health and drop the weight that he has grown accustomed to having on his body, so a decision was made to eat better and move more often. what do ya know! it is working, who wouldda thunk?
Day 17 went well and I actually hit my 1500 calorie mark almost perfectly, I think I am not getting enough calories, but not because I feel hungry or malnourished but because I am reading a lot on the subject of weight loss and everything I read says I should be eating more calories. I honestly feel like I am in a zone atm and don't want to break stride until I get the scale that was ordered. It should be here by mid week next week hopefully, and I can't wait! I feel so much better than I did a month ago as far as sluggishness and drive goes, and I actually look forward to working out again, once I drop a significant amount of weight I plan on lifting weights again to try and gain back some of the muscle that I know was lost in the last 7 years. I miss it. My father has started eating better and working out again too, this seems contagious. first my wife now the old man!
Exercising is going well and I can feel things are easier now and its only been 18 days! I think I am going to try and convince the wife that I need a heavy bag to hang in the basement for a little bit of "fun" exercise. I do wish the weather would lighten up so I can keep the walks going, there is a couple inches of snow on the ground this morning and freezing rain has been coming down on top of it for the past hour, weeee fun! anyways onto the menu for day 17.
7:30 AM
1 Quaker rice cake 60
10 oz green tea 1 tspn sugar 25
10:30 AM
2 cups bran cereal 180
1 cup 2% milk 130
2:15 PM
1 Van de Camp fish fillets 140
3/4 cup cooked white rice 150
1/2 pat butter 20
1 banana 105
crystal light 15
6:00 PM
1/2 cup refried beans (3 tacos) 90
3 small mission white tortollas 165
1oz lite cheddar cheese 70
2 oz tomato 10
1oz lettuce 5
2 tbsp LaVictoria red taco sauce 10
2oz lean chuck steak sliced 140
2 jalapeno slices 5
glass of crystal light 20
6:45 PM
12 oz green tea 1 tspn sugar 25
9:15 PM
Beafsteak light Rye Bread - 1 slice 40
2 oz lean deli turkey breast 100
Grand total of 1505 Calories for the day, over by 5 but I call that right on any day! not much more I can say that I haven't said in the intro of this post so I will leave it at at that. As always Thanks for following along with my trip and thanks for the support.
As Ever
Day 17 went well and I actually hit my 1500 calorie mark almost perfectly, I think I am not getting enough calories, but not because I feel hungry or malnourished but because I am reading a lot on the subject of weight loss and everything I read says I should be eating more calories. I honestly feel like I am in a zone atm and don't want to break stride until I get the scale that was ordered. It should be here by mid week next week hopefully, and I can't wait! I feel so much better than I did a month ago as far as sluggishness and drive goes, and I actually look forward to working out again, once I drop a significant amount of weight I plan on lifting weights again to try and gain back some of the muscle that I know was lost in the last 7 years. I miss it. My father has started eating better and working out again too, this seems contagious. first my wife now the old man!
Exercising is going well and I can feel things are easier now and its only been 18 days! I think I am going to try and convince the wife that I need a heavy bag to hang in the basement for a little bit of "fun" exercise. I do wish the weather would lighten up so I can keep the walks going, there is a couple inches of snow on the ground this morning and freezing rain has been coming down on top of it for the past hour, weeee fun! anyways onto the menu for day 17.
7:30 AM
1 Quaker rice cake 60
10 oz green tea 1 tspn sugar 25
10:30 AM
2 cups bran cereal 180
1 cup 2% milk 130
2:15 PM
1 Van de Camp fish fillets 140
3/4 cup cooked white rice 150
1/2 pat butter 20
1 banana 105
crystal light 15
6:00 PM
1/2 cup refried beans (3 tacos) 90
3 small mission white tortollas 165
1oz lite cheddar cheese 70
2 oz tomato 10
1oz lettuce 5
2 tbsp LaVictoria red taco sauce 10
2oz lean chuck steak sliced 140
2 jalapeno slices 5
glass of crystal light 20
6:45 PM
12 oz green tea 1 tspn sugar 25
9:15 PM
Beafsteak light Rye Bread - 1 slice 40
2 oz lean deli turkey breast 100
Grand total of 1505 Calories for the day, over by 5 but I call that right on any day! not much more I can say that I haven't said in the intro of this post so I will leave it at at that. As always Thanks for following along with my trip and thanks for the support.
As Ever
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Buying bread from a man in Brussels
He was Six foot Four and full of muscles, It was an 80's kind of day for the music (a couple 70's) which was cool because, well I knew all the words to all of the songs and that helps make the time pass. 15 mins on the bike, 30 push ups in 3 sets of 10. I believe I could do 30 mins easy on the bike (maybe not easy but do it) if not for the damn seat hurting my behind. I guess I will have to get use to it before I go off on a 30 min ride ouch! heres the play list for the day, there were a couple more but I closed the player and can't remember exactly what else was on there.
1. Ah ha ~ Take on me
2. Men at work ~ Down under
3. Crowded house ~ Beds are burning
4. The Clash ~ Train in Vain
5. Men without hats ~ Safety dance
6. Cory Hart ~ Sunglasses at night
7. David Bowie ~ Ziggy stardust
8. Queen ~ Somebody to love
As Ever
1. Ah ha ~ Take on me
2. Men at work ~ Down under
3. Crowded house ~ Beds are burning
4. The Clash ~ Train in Vain
5. Men without hats ~ Safety dance
6. Cory Hart ~ Sunglasses at night
7. David Bowie ~ Ziggy stardust
8. Queen ~ Somebody to love
As Ever
Day 16
On the 16th day the fight was still going, apparently he had not realized the battle would feel this good! that pretty much states it all, I feel better, and think this is actually going to work. the power of suggestion? maybe, maybe not. very brave words for someone 16 days into a more than a year process huh? exercise is going well so far and I am finding more ways to eat healthy every day, This just might work! so as you can tell I am up in spirits about this whole change. I added green tea to this diet because I am reading that it can up your metabolism by 4% and can significantly decrease BMI and body fat and since I drink green tea already (just not 4 cups or 32oz per day which is recommended) I decided I can do that if it will help, so like I said I added that to my intake. I figure I will take any help that I can get right?
My mother in law found out that I am on this change last week and now my father in law found out last night, both of my parents know and the people in my home, wife and kids, and thats the only people that know other than the fine people reading this blog, I sort of have this feeling that I don't want people to know that I am trying this because if I fail everyone will know that I couldn't do it, weird huh? that is something that I am working on. why should I feel like it has to be somewhat hidden except for those close to me or that see me often? I guess its pride kicking in, and if I fail then like I said its not just me that knows I failed. BUT, I don't plan on failing this time around... "Failure is not falling down, but refusing to get up" that quote comes to mind and I cannot right now remember where I heard it but thats how I am looking at it this time. wow I woke up thinking today, let me get onto the menu before this turns into a 3 page post.
7:45 AM
1 Quaker rice cake 60
10:00 AM
1 boiled egg 70
2 slices white bread 140
1 tbsp Miracle whip 35
crystal light 5
12:00 PM
16oz Green tea with 1 tspn sugar 25
2:15 PM
1 banana 105
1 apple 75
1 english muffin 100
1 pat butter 35
1 tbsp peanut butter 95
6:00 PM
2 Van de Camp fish fillets 280
3/4 cup cooked white rice 150
1/2 pat butter 20
1 cup canned whole kernel corn 120
glass crystal light 20
8:30 PM
1 Quaker rice cake 60
12oz Green tea with 1 tspn sugar 25
Grand total of 1420 Calories for the day, I felt like this menu was a good one, I ate often so metabolism should be good and started in on the tea. I rode the bike for 20 mins instead of 15 and like I said over all feeling really good. its 17 degrees on my thermometer right now so I don't think I will take a walk today, maybe I will try 20 mins on the bike again. once again and as usual, I thank you for following my progress and keeping me writing on this blog by reading daily and leaving your comments and encouragement. Thanks
As Ever
My mother in law found out that I am on this change last week and now my father in law found out last night, both of my parents know and the people in my home, wife and kids, and thats the only people that know other than the fine people reading this blog, I sort of have this feeling that I don't want people to know that I am trying this because if I fail everyone will know that I couldn't do it, weird huh? that is something that I am working on. why should I feel like it has to be somewhat hidden except for those close to me or that see me often? I guess its pride kicking in, and if I fail then like I said its not just me that knows I failed. BUT, I don't plan on failing this time around... "Failure is not falling down, but refusing to get up" that quote comes to mind and I cannot right now remember where I heard it but thats how I am looking at it this time. wow I woke up thinking today, let me get onto the menu before this turns into a 3 page post.
7:45 AM
1 Quaker rice cake 60
10:00 AM
1 boiled egg 70
2 slices white bread 140
1 tbsp Miracle whip 35
crystal light 5
12:00 PM
16oz Green tea with 1 tspn sugar 25
2:15 PM
1 banana 105
1 apple 75
1 english muffin 100
1 pat butter 35
1 tbsp peanut butter 95
6:00 PM
2 Van de Camp fish fillets 280
3/4 cup cooked white rice 150
1/2 pat butter 20
1 cup canned whole kernel corn 120
glass crystal light 20
8:30 PM
1 Quaker rice cake 60
12oz Green tea with 1 tspn sugar 25
Grand total of 1420 Calories for the day, I felt like this menu was a good one, I ate often so metabolism should be good and started in on the tea. I rode the bike for 20 mins instead of 15 and like I said over all feeling really good. its 17 degrees on my thermometer right now so I don't think I will take a walk today, maybe I will try 20 mins on the bike again. once again and as usual, I thank you for following my progress and keeping me writing on this blog by reading daily and leaving your comments and encouragement. Thanks
As Ever
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Wonderboy & Young nasty man
Exercise for the day went well, so well that I did 20 minutes on the bike, but only 2 sets of 10 for the push ups, and squats was 2 sets of 15. The music for the day was a mix that I just went through the music library and made a play list, I will keep this post relatively short, so heres the list.
1. The White Stripes ~ Icky Thump
2. Tone Loc ~ Funky cold medina
3. Black train Jack ~ Guy like me
4. Black train Jack ~ The joker
5. Tenacious D ~ Wonderboy
6. Tenacious D ~ Tribute
7. Rollins Band ~ Blues Jam
8. Rollins Band ~ Just like You
As Ever
1. The White Stripes ~ Icky Thump
2. Tone Loc ~ Funky cold medina
3. Black train Jack ~ Guy like me
4. Black train Jack ~ The joker
5. Tenacious D ~ Wonderboy
6. Tenacious D ~ Tribute
7. Rollins Band ~ Blues Jam
8. Rollins Band ~ Just like You
As Ever
Day 15
So far so good, and the exercise is happening on a regular basis now since I got the bike, I am finding myself asking why it took so long to start doing this again. we had steak left over from day 14 so we decided to make steak and bean tacos for dinner which turned out great! (I hope you like the recipe I posted) also wify came home with some Quaker whole grain rice cakes that are only 60 calories per cake and a great snack, peanut butter chocolate chip flavored.
I miss taking my morning walk with my daughter but its been cold outside My thermometer says 22 degrees right now, and I don't think its a good idea for her to be out in 20 degree weather so dad can get a walk ;) , so its just been the bike since it got cold again. now onto the menu for day 15.
9:00 AM
2 cups bran cereal 180
1 cup 2% milk 130
2:45 PM
5oz roasted chicken breast 275
3/4 cup cooked white rice 150
large glass of crystal light 20
6:30 PM
1/2 cup refried beans (3 tacos) 90
3 small mission white tortollas 165
1oz lite cheddar cheese 70
2 oz tomato 10
1oz lettuce 5
2 tbsp LaVictoria red taco sauce 10
2oz lean chuck steak sliced 140
2 jalapeno slices 5
glass of crystal light 20
8:15 PM
1 apple 75
10:00 PM
1 Quaker rice cake 60
Grand total of 1405 Calories for the day, My son is noticing the change in what were eating and he actually said the "new food were eating" tastes better than what we had been eating, which is a bit odd as were not really eating totally different foods as much as portion control but some things ARE totally different so maybe hes onto something, he also asked if we could have the steak tacos for dinner again Saturday, what significance Saturday has I don't know but it appears the menu is getting 2 thumbs up from him. all in all I feel better and I can't wait for that scale to get here so that I can get a weight logged in, I just hope I am not too heavy for the scale, that would be a bit of a disappointment as well as it would mean that I have more to lose than I thought, which is not as far fetched of an idea as one might think. I also added a Push ups counter next to the Bike minutes at the top of the page, as always I thank you for reading and following me with my weight loss plan.
As Ever
I miss taking my morning walk with my daughter but its been cold outside My thermometer says 22 degrees right now, and I don't think its a good idea for her to be out in 20 degree weather so dad can get a walk ;) , so its just been the bike since it got cold again. now onto the menu for day 15.
9:00 AM
2 cups bran cereal 180
1 cup 2% milk 130
2:45 PM
5oz roasted chicken breast 275
3/4 cup cooked white rice 150
large glass of crystal light 20
6:30 PM
1/2 cup refried beans (3 tacos) 90
3 small mission white tortollas 165
1oz lite cheddar cheese 70
2 oz tomato 10
1oz lettuce 5
2 tbsp LaVictoria red taco sauce 10
2oz lean chuck steak sliced 140
2 jalapeno slices 5
glass of crystal light 20
8:15 PM
1 apple 75
10:00 PM
1 Quaker rice cake 60
Grand total of 1405 Calories for the day, My son is noticing the change in what were eating and he actually said the "new food were eating" tastes better than what we had been eating, which is a bit odd as were not really eating totally different foods as much as portion control but some things ARE totally different so maybe hes onto something, he also asked if we could have the steak tacos for dinner again Saturday, what significance Saturday has I don't know but it appears the menu is getting 2 thumbs up from him. all in all I feel better and I can't wait for that scale to get here so that I can get a weight logged in, I just hope I am not too heavy for the scale, that would be a bit of a disappointment as well as it would mean that I have more to lose than I thought, which is not as far fetched of an idea as one might think. I also added a Push ups counter next to the Bike minutes at the top of the page, as always I thank you for reading and following me with my weight loss plan.
As Ever
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Low Calorie tacos
Getting bored with the same old foods on your low calorie diet? yeah I was too until I started getting a bit creative, I am going to post up an easy recipe for a 350 calorie bean taco dinner that fills me up every time! This recipe can be made into a 490 calorie meal with the addition of 2oz of sliced steak or chicken, the chicken would be a little less than steak. I know I can get a little wordy sometimes I will try and keep this as not wordy as I can. I will give the amounts for a single persons plate which makes 3 tacos, here goes.
What you will need
1/2 cup refried beans (old el paso brand has 90 calories per 1/2 cup thats what I use)
3 Mission brand small white corn tortilla's
1oz Cabot 50% lite cheddar cheese
2oz sliced tomatos
1oz Iceberg lettuce
2 slices of Jalapeno (old el paso in a jar)
1 tbsp La Victoria red taco sauce (use salsa if you like that better)
1oz finely chopped Onion
Optional items
2oz of your favorite steak sliced into thin strips
2oz roasted skinless chicken breast sliced into thin strips
What to do
1 Remove 1/2 cup of the beans from the can and stick it in the microwave for 2 minutes, while that is going place 3 tortillas on a plate and chop up your Tomato, Lettuce, onion and Jalapeno.
2 When the beans are done put some on each tortilla evenly distributed and the 1oz of shredded cheese, also evenly spread between the 3 tortillas.
if using steak or chicken add it on step 2 so that the veggies are on top of the meat.
3 You will evenly place all of the veggies onto the 3 tortillas as well and add your taco sauce or salsa on top along with the Jalapeno.
4 Sit back and enjoy your 350 Calorie meal that WILL fill you up and is pretty good if I do say so myself.
I hope you enjoy this meal if you decide to make it, I just sorta started putting things together and ended up with this one day. as usual I thank you for reading.
As Ever
What you will need
1/2 cup refried beans (old el paso brand has 90 calories per 1/2 cup thats what I use)
3 Mission brand small white corn tortilla's
1oz Cabot 50% lite cheddar cheese
2oz sliced tomatos
1oz Iceberg lettuce
2 slices of Jalapeno (old el paso in a jar)
1 tbsp La Victoria red taco sauce (use salsa if you like that better)
1oz finely chopped Onion
Optional items
2oz of your favorite steak sliced into thin strips
2oz roasted skinless chicken breast sliced into thin strips
What to do
1 Remove 1/2 cup of the beans from the can and stick it in the microwave for 2 minutes, while that is going place 3 tortillas on a plate and chop up your Tomato, Lettuce, onion and Jalapeno.
2 When the beans are done put some on each tortilla evenly distributed and the 1oz of shredded cheese, also evenly spread between the 3 tortillas.
if using steak or chicken add it on step 2 so that the veggies are on top of the meat.
3 You will evenly place all of the veggies onto the 3 tortillas as well and add your taco sauce or salsa on top along with the Jalapeno.
4 Sit back and enjoy your 350 Calorie meal that WILL fill you up and is pretty good if I do say so myself.
I hope you enjoy this meal if you decide to make it, I just sorta started putting things together and ended up with this one day. as usual I thank you for reading.
As Ever
Exercise for 1/15/08 is fini, 15 minutes on the bike, followed by push ups and squats, left the crunches out as its after 2:00PM and I have not eaten lunch yet and my belly is growling. Music for the day was Black train Jack. This is my favorite music to work out to as the songs are relatively short and I know all of the words so 15 minutes passes quite fast and effortlessly, if you don't count the sweat and heavy breathing lol. I updated the "Monthly minutes" and I am thinking about adding a push up counter as well, just for the record it was 2 sets of 15 today.
2.This Is The Way
3.Guy Like Me
4.Who's That Man
5.Mad Doll
6.My Disciple
7.No Reward
10.Newest One, The
11.One Love
12.Doesn't Matter
13.If I Can
14.Guy Like Me
As Ever

2.This Is The Way
3.Guy Like Me
4.Who's That Man
5.Mad Doll
6.My Disciple
7.No Reward
10.Newest One, The
11.One Love
12.Doesn't Matter
13.If I Can
14.Guy Like Me
As Ever
Day 14
So day 14 went well, and it went not so well, peculiar huh? we shall start with the part that went well, I woke up to 7 inches of snow and went out and shoveled for 30 mins, so off to a good start, then I rode the bike for 15 mins and got a good sweat going, still good, one would have to agree. so good in fact that I was feeling it and in a great mood, I listened to some old music that I had not listened to in a while, still feeling good, had a nice steak dinner and then it happened, I wanted a piece of chocolate cake (imagine now a movie sound track turns on as if to say The plot thickens Dun dun duuuunnnn!) I did it, I had a 3oz piece of chocolate cake for 350 calories which brought me above the 1500 mark by 100 calories. though I do not feel guilty for having it, it does feel like my first slip in 2 weeks even though the calories were not that bad, it still felt like empty calories. just gotta keep on keepin on I guess. onto the menu.
8:30 AM
2 cups bran cereal 180
1 cup 2% milk 130
11:30 AM
1 cup air popped popcorn 40
1 serving popcorn seasoning 5
2:45 PM
1 can of Progresso soup 200
5 Ritz crackers 80
6:00 PM
6 oz chuck steak lean 400
3/4 cup cooked white rice 160
1 cup canned green beans 40
glass crystal light 10
1/4 of a small dill pickle 5
7:30 PM
3oz slice chocolate cake 350 <---The devil made me do it
Grand total of 1600 Calories for the day, not my best showing for the time I have been doing this thanks to the cake but still good and got more exercise than usual in so I feel good about it! Thats my story and I'm sticking to it! lol honestly I don't think its all that bad but I don't want to make a habit out of it, after all thats how I got here right? again I want to thank you for reading, its appreciated.
As Ever
8:30 AM
2 cups bran cereal 180
1 cup 2% milk 130
11:30 AM
1 cup air popped popcorn 40
1 serving popcorn seasoning 5
2:45 PM
1 can of Progresso soup 200
5 Ritz crackers 80
6:00 PM
6 oz chuck steak lean 400
3/4 cup cooked white rice 160
1 cup canned green beans 40
glass crystal light 10
1/4 of a small dill pickle 5
7:30 PM
3oz slice chocolate cake 350 <---The devil made me do it
Grand total of 1600 Calories for the day, not my best showing for the time I have been doing this thanks to the cake but still good and got more exercise than usual in so I feel good about it! Thats my story and I'm sticking to it! lol honestly I don't think its all that bad but I don't want to make a habit out of it, after all thats how I got here right? again I want to thank you for reading, its appreciated.
As Ever
Monday, January 14, 2008

I have added "Monthly minutes" to the page, this will track my minutes on the stationary bike, currently it is 15/270 the 15 is what I have done and the 270 is total minutes for the month starting on the 14th until the 31st, that is 15 mins a day from the 14th to the 31st as a goal, this number is just the goal, I may go over depending on how I feel on a given day, I just did 15 mins on the bike and then my push ups crunches and squats (which I did not do the squats today I want to give my knee a rest) and on a side note I shoveled a 7 inch snowfall for approximately 30 minutes this morning, 15 mins a day will be my goal for the next 15 days on the bike and I will try and up the daily minutes next month or as soon as 15 mins feels too easy. for right now its getting my heart rate up and giving me a good sweat, so it stays at 15 for now.
I was feeling like I needed some inspiration so I put Sepultura bloody roots on the MP3 player and went at it,I had not listened to that in quite a while and it helped me stay at a nice pace as I just paced the music, I may post the riding music each day or maybe not, I am not sure yet. stay tuned to find out! lol As usual thanks for reading and thanks for the motivational comments, Robyn and Sandy especially as you both seem to follow my blog closely. Thanks
As Ever
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Day 13

Day 13 is over, today has not been the best of days as far as food goes and thats only in my head as I did stay under the 1500 calories per day mark, I feel like I cheated because I had a big dinner at Mom in laws house, 815 of my calories today came from dinner alone. I did zero exercise but its only around 9:20 pm right now so maybe I will get a little in before bed. I am craving something bad for the first time tonight since I started this whole thing, namely chocolate cake lol. I think it is because of the dinner out tonight, usually dinner at Mom in laws includes a nice piece of something sweet at the end of dinner. I ate an apple to try and curb the want for something sweet but nuh uh not happening lol. in fact I am posting this early for the day only because I felt like it would help to post it up and get it out there and maybe it would help me remember that I gotsta do this! anyways onto the menu for today, dinner was so good!
12:00 PM
1/2 cup refried beans (3 tacos) 90
3 small mission white tortollas 165
1oz cheddar cheese 110
2 oz tomato 10
1oz lettuce 5
2 tbsp LaVictoria red taco sauce 10
3:45 PM
1 english muffin 100
1 pat butter 35
less than 2 oz tomato 10
6:45 PM
8oz lean tenderloin roast pork 400
3/4 cup cooked white rice 150
3oz Broccoli 35
small green salad 60
3 tbsp lite cesar dressing 135
1 pat butter 35
9:00 PM
1 apple 70
Grand total is 1420 Calories for the day, as long as I don't eat anything else before bed , which should not be a problem as I don't like to eat late, maybe a glass of crystal light. I think it may be a good thing that I actually feel guilty for eating such a thick meal, means I am thinking about what I am doing, even though I did come in under the allowed 1500 cals. maybe I will ride the bike twice tomorrow because of the no exercise today. as always I thank you for taking the time to read this meager blog.
As Ever
Day 12
12 days gone. I took a look at the bike that I got and it was missing a couple nuts for the seat, so I had to hold off on riding it, took a ride to Lowes last night and bought a few nuts and all is well, so I will likely ride it today (Sunday) , Last night wify rented a Jet Li movie called War, action scenes were ok and they tried real hard to make it more of a movie than it was but it was not Li's best work, over all it was a so so movie, and I treated myself to a large snack during the movie that was well within my calorie limits, I still felt guilty eating it! one negative for the day, I was doing some squats and my knee hurt a little bit, and later in the morning I was outside putting some air into the tires on my car squatted down and felt the knee again, it went away by the evening but its something I will be watching it for a few days, onto the menu.
11:20 AM
1/2 cup refried beans (3 tacos) 90
3 small mission white tortollas 165
1oz cheddar cheese 110
2 oz tomato 10
1oz lettuce 5
2 tbsp LaVictoria red taco sauce 10
3:45 PM
2 hebrew national hotdogs 90
2 slices white bread 140
1 tbsp relish 20
1 glass crystal light 15
6:15 PM
8 Mrs T's Perogies 450
2 pats butter 70
1 cup canned green beans 40
10:45 PM
6 cups air popped 120
2 pats butter 70
Grand total of 1405 Calories for the day, Including that late popcorn snack! over all still feeling good, if I am being honest I feel better than I have in months. we are heading to my Mother in laws house for dinner tonight and she asked us what we wanted for dinner last night, so it looks like pork chops on the grill with green beans and a salad are on the menu for tonights dinner. Thanks for reading.
As Ever
11:20 AM
1/2 cup refried beans (3 tacos) 90
3 small mission white tortollas 165
1oz cheddar cheese 110
2 oz tomato 10
1oz lettuce 5
2 tbsp LaVictoria red taco sauce 10
3:45 PM
2 hebrew national hotdogs 90
2 slices white bread 140
1 tbsp relish 20
1 glass crystal light 15
6:15 PM
8 Mrs T's Perogies 450
2 pats butter 70
1 cup canned green beans 40
10:45 PM
6 cups air popped 120
2 pats butter 70
Grand total of 1405 Calories for the day, Including that late popcorn snack! over all still feeling good, if I am being honest I feel better than I have in months. we are heading to my Mother in laws house for dinner tonight and she asked us what we wanted for dinner last night, so it looks like pork chops on the grill with green beans and a salad are on the menu for tonights dinner. Thanks for reading.
As Ever
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Day 11
Day 11 is here and gone and the change rolls on. I am still finding it a bit hard to get all of the calories into the day but I am working on it. I had a little bit of a deep sigh, oh woe is me moment last night and thought about how maybe I was doing all of this work for nothing, as I have not weighed myself yet so theres no definite answer to whether I am losing or not, wife snapped me out of it and I went to bed. woke up today (Saturday as this post is for Fridays menu) and the Bike is here! so any oh woe is me is all gone. I decided to get a little creative with lunch and ended up with 3 bean tacos that completely filled me up and tasted very good for only 390 calories, and the only thing I would do different next time is add some chopped onion, I will post up the menu now, enjoy
8:45 AM
1.5 cups Bran cereal 180
1 cup 2% milk 130
11:00 AM
1 apple 70
1:30 PM
1/2 cup refried beans (3 tacos) 90
3 small mission white tortollas 165
1oz cheddar cheese 110
2 oz tomato 10
1oz lettuce 5
2 tbsp LaVictoria red taco sauce 10
6:00 PM
5oz roast chicken breast 275
3/4 cup cooked white rice 150
1cup canned green beans 40
1/2 pat butter 20
glass of crystal light 15
8:00 PM
1 dill pickle 5
9:00 PM
2 cups airpopped popcorn 40
seasoning 5
Grand total of 1320 Calories for day 11 not too shabby and I am getting more creative with meals to keep them interesting. over all still feeling good, I did not drink enough water yesterday I am afraid, I thought about this last night when I went to bed, oh well I will have to drink enough today and try and keep on top of it. I think I am going to add a total riding time ticker or something on this blog just to track bike time and let anyone interested see just how I am doing with it. I want to give the new bike a try so I will cut this right here! as always thanks for reading.
As Ever
8:45 AM
1.5 cups Bran cereal 180
1 cup 2% milk 130
11:00 AM
1 apple 70
1:30 PM
1/2 cup refried beans (3 tacos) 90
3 small mission white tortollas 165
1oz cheddar cheese 110
2 oz tomato 10
1oz lettuce 5
2 tbsp LaVictoria red taco sauce 10
6:00 PM
5oz roast chicken breast 275
3/4 cup cooked white rice 150
1cup canned green beans 40
1/2 pat butter 20
glass of crystal light 15
8:00 PM
1 dill pickle 5
9:00 PM
2 cups airpopped popcorn 40
seasoning 5
Grand total of 1320 Calories for day 11 not too shabby and I am getting more creative with meals to keep them interesting. over all still feeling good, I did not drink enough water yesterday I am afraid, I thought about this last night when I went to bed, oh well I will have to drink enough today and try and keep on top of it. I think I am going to add a total riding time ticker or something on this blog just to track bike time and let anyone interested see just how I am doing with it. I want to give the new bike a try so I will cut this right here! as always thanks for reading.
As Ever
Friday, January 11, 2008
Day 10
I am feeling great about this whole change, I feel better and honestly feel like its working. I took a walk again, and ended up carrying my daughter half way again, more resistance for me I guess, no worries I am enjoying the walks and so is my daughter. I felt hungry last night right before bed but it passed and all was well. so over all pretty good day as far as this "diet" thing goes. I am attempting to work less white bread into my daily intake but finding out its a bit harder than I expected, a lot of what I have been eating is making sandwiches etc and I really don't like whole wheat bread, and since this is a lifestyle change and not a diet, adding something that I just do not like doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Onto the menu for the 10th day.
8:45 AM
1 boiled egg 70
2 slices white bread 140
1 tbsp Miracle whip 35
1 glass Crystal light 10
11:00 AM
1 hebrew national hotdog 45
1:45 PM
3 hebrew national hotdogs 135
3/4 cup cooked rice 150
1/2 pat butter 20
1 tbsp ketchup 15
glass of crystal light 15
6:00 PM
7oz roast chicken breast 385
1 cup cooked white rice 200
1cup canned peas 120
1 pat butter 35
glass of crystal light 15
8:30 PM
1 dill pickle 5
Grand total of 1395 Calories for day 10 and I am starting to wonder why it took me this long to start and keep up with something like this, I am finding it easy so far! The comments and supportive messages are helping a lot so keep them coming! my wife is doing well with this too though she is perfect the way she is, she has been extremely supportive of me and my change and has lost some weight since she started counting calories with me.
As Ever
8:45 AM
1 boiled egg 70
2 slices white bread 140
1 tbsp Miracle whip 35
1 glass Crystal light 10
11:00 AM
1 hebrew national hotdog 45
1:45 PM
3 hebrew national hotdogs 135
3/4 cup cooked rice 150
1/2 pat butter 20
1 tbsp ketchup 15
glass of crystal light 15
6:00 PM
7oz roast chicken breast 385
1 cup cooked white rice 200
1cup canned peas 120
1 pat butter 35
glass of crystal light 15
8:30 PM
1 dill pickle 5
Grand total of 1395 Calories for day 10 and I am starting to wonder why it took me this long to start and keep up with something like this, I am finding it easy so far! The comments and supportive messages are helping a lot so keep them coming! my wife is doing well with this too though she is perfect the way she is, she has been extremely supportive of me and my change and has lost some weight since she started counting calories with me.
As Ever
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