Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Late night Vegetable fun

Ok, so I was up and bored so I figured I would post up a quick entry with a couple pics from dinner. I made the salad for wify while she finished washing some dishes and thought I would be corny and try my hand at making it look good, I don't know if I succeeded but she said it tasted good.

Ok, this next one is just for fun I hope no one gets offended as its an X rated Pepper. I cut the pepper and looked at My wife and We just looked at each other and I grabbed the camera which was sitting next to me because of the salad pic. She said "why do you need a pic of it" to which my reply was "for the blog of course" she laughed and shook her head at me. so here it is..click it for a larger image lol. sorry had to post it ;)

Heres a photo of how much 1lb of fat is, so the next time only 1 or 2 lbs show up on that scale just imagine this picture and now that much fat is off of your body.

Thats all she wrote, or He in this instance. just a late night interlude for you to ponder over whilst you read along with my progress.

As Ever


  1. I am not sure what pic was the best??? BUT if I were you I would have added the alfalfa sprouts to the top of the bell pepper before shooting the picture ;)

  2. Oh my gosh, you totally crack me up! I've got to show my husband that pepper pic!
    He gives me that "shake of the head" look every time I go to take a picture of food for "the blog," too! I had to explain to him that I used to "get off" on taking pictures of cakes that I had decorated. I would post them on facebook, and wait for my friends to ooh and aw over them. But, now that I don't make many cakes anymore, I have to find something else to photograph and show off! I think you did a FABULOUS job with that salad! At first glance, it looked like some sort of lobster or see creature of some kind! It looked really cool, though, and I like it when people take pictures of their food!!!!! It gives us something to do, dammit, when we have nothing else impressive to take pictures of!! (at least that's my reason for doing it!)

  3. Oh, and don't be surprised if I respond to this post with a posting of a picture of my favorite zuchinni or cucumber next time I buy one! LOL!! :)

  4. Your responses to this post have improved my mood. lol I am glad to see that I am not the only one with an off sense of humor.

    As Ever

  5. geez, I mispelled "sea" creature.

    Just didn't want you to think that I didn't know how to spell "sea."
