I was not expecting much this week because of Easter and my date with some Cadbury creme eggs, I should actually say egg because I only had one but I ate a considerable amount of Easter colored M&M's and some marshmallow peeps. I decided that I would play mister strict this week and weigh, measure and basically be perfect with my calories as well as getting to the gym daily and apparently busting my ass all week has paid off. Last Friday I weighed in at 314.6 pounds and that was up from my lowest ever weight but down from the previous week and I needed to drop 3.7 pounds to stay on course for my under 300 pounds by May 1st goal and I am just going to say that I am more than happy with what the scale said to me today. I will get right to it and say that the number that I saw first was 309.4Lbs, THREE ZERO NINE??? ok lets try this again, 309.4Lbs, I say to Wify "I am going to move the scale to a different part of the floor because that can't be right" into the kitchen and 309.4Lbs so it would appear folks that I have a 5.2 pound drop this week and a new low weight! I am now down a total of 225 pounds, or 42.13% of my total body weight, saying that out loud is nuts to me.

With today's weigh in I am a mere 34 pounds from my initial goal of weighing 275 pounds and I have to say that honestly it does not seem right to me that the number is only 34 pounds. Staring down the barrel of having to drop 259 pounds and now that number is only 34 pounds and clearly remembering the feeling of "Oh shit, there is no way I am going to be able to do this" to being 34 pounds from that goal is kind of surreal if I am being honest. I was once this guy that said "its time to do this the right way and not stop until I get there" all while thinking in the back of my head "You know that's just some bullshit to try and keep you motivated Tony" but here I am 225 pounds lighter than I was when I began this whole trip to the half.
When I started writing this blog I literally did not expect to be writing it past maybe the first month and now I write in it just about daily and I have 674 posts including this one to date. I called my blog "One mans trip to the half" because I literally had to lose half of my body weight to be even remotely close to a healthy weight and I adjusted my goal to that number which is 267 pounds, at a 267 pound loss I will weigh 267 pounds and be at 50% total body weight lost. I am 42 pounds from having lost half of my total body weight and again that seems fake to me, it feels like it was someone else and I seriously cannot believe that I am accomplishing something of that magnitude because this has been one of the hardest things that I have ever done in my life.
I have changed my life as well as everyone in my families lives by making the decision to get healthy and there is more to that than I write about here in this blog. I did it with pure determination and discipline, I researched weight loss like it was my job, like my life depended on it mostly because it did and I believe that I have changed more than I want to admit in the way that I look at things in general. I did not pay thousands of dollars to some drug company for weight loss pills or the next new thing, I did not go the route of Harvey McDullardsonfengenden and do the jujuberry 7.2 thing, I simply applied what I had learned to my daily life and over the last 2 years changed everything for myself. Today's weigh in caught me by surprise, I was honestly expecting to edge just past 314 pounds and maybe hit 313 but coming in at 309 lbs really put me into a mood this morning. I need to drop about 3 pounds per week from now until May 1st to get to my 300 pound goal on time and I am going to do everything that I can to get there because I honestly feel like once I get there that I will sort of explode into some kind of insane hyper kill every cell in my body workout mode because I never thought it was something possible to do for myself.
I want anyone out there that might be reading this to know that you can lose whatever you need to where fat is concerned with nothing more than hard work and bust assedness yes I just made up a new word because that's what its gonna take to convince you! I am down 225 pounds and I have done it without any miracle plan by just eating less and moving more and I started off at 534 pounds so if I can do it anyone can! after all I WAS voted laziest in my high school year book you can read that post and see the high school picture that proves it! Here. Another week down and 5 more pounds gone with the wind, keep on keepin on, drink that H2O and make sure to tune in again for more mind blowing action in the next episode of Fat man and Blobin!
That's all I got for ya today.
As Ever
A true inspiration!!! Apparently, you camera weighs .2 pounds.
What a nice surprise to reach a new milestone. Great job this week!!
ReplyDeleteThat is frigging fantastic!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats Tony, I'm happy for you. Perhaps you should eat easter eggs more often!
ReplyDeleteFabulous...way to buckle down and lose the pounds!
ReplyDeleteSo SO HAPPY for you!
ReplyDeleteI knew you could do it! I'm so happy for you! You really are a great inspiration. Woohoo!
ReplyDeleteWow, that is an amazing achievement, and a pretty cool post! I bet you feel really proud!
ReplyDeleteYou're going to have to change your blog's name soon..... Maybe "One Man's Trip to the Half, and Beyond".
ReplyDeleteAwesome week!
I've always loved your pics of things compared to how much you've lost.... it really puts things into perspective.
I can't believe that your High School allowed them to label you like that in your year book.
Some of my High School nicknames included: Piggy (from 'Lord of the Flies'), Spanky, Pugsley, 2%.... etc...etc. People have no idea just how mean those comments are and how detrimental to ones self esteem they can be.
Congrats on your milestone! Your well on your way to hitting your May 1st target, and getting closer to the half, each and every day.
Tony, you are kicking butt on this thing. You have been an inspiration to me and have helped me tremendously. Congratulations and thank you so much.
ReplyDeleteWOW!! I can FEEL how happy/excited/bad assedness you are from reading your post. Way to go man!
ReplyDeleteWAY TO GO TONY!!! You are doing so terrific. Just think before you know it you'll be in the 200's *big big smile*.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I think shaking things up once in a while helps :)
ReplyDeleteI'll say anything for a cadbury egg so I am slightly biased ;)
Thank you all for the kind words and support, I am going to shoot to be under that 300 pound mark before May 1st but its easier said than done, though I have a strong feeling that if I just stay true to what I am doing that its a possibility.
ReplyDeleteBornSquishy, I never let it bother me more than just a "whatever", its obvious that whoever decided that it would be cute to put "laziest" as a category did not know me very well if at all and I was picked strictly on my size, dumb kids being dumb kids I suppose but yeah now that I am older (wiser) I gotta wonder why it would be a category in the first place...it is what it is.
As Ever
Fantastic. You rock. Keep writing!
ReplyDeleteThat is awesome man! It goes without saying that you are doing the right things.
ReplyDeleteI'm getting excited about the day I see a weight under 300 for myself but I am no less excited to see you do the same.
Keep rockin it dude!
And Congratulations!
Congratulations!! Well done for doing so well!
ReplyDeleteWay To Go!!!! You freaking rock!!!
ReplyDeleteCONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love reading success stories of people who have lost significant amounts of weight. I have about 180 to lose. Reading about you only have 34 left to go...well....it's encouraging. Because having 180 pounds to lose is mostly discouraging.