Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Recovering from the salty weekend, and baby its cold outside.

The last couple days have felt good, hopefully come Friday I will see a loss that brings me below that 332.8 pound mark and maybe even lower if I get all of my ducks in a row. Since this weekends up fluctuation I seem to have re-focused and I am hoping that it translates into a decent loss, I only need a one pound drop to stay on course for my under 300 pounds by April goal but of course I would like to see at least my 2 pound minimum so that I can stay within the goal numbers easily just in case I have a bump in the road kind of week.

The view out of my front door this morning towards the lake, gotta love the snow.

The gym yesterday was suppose to be a nice easy trip where I was planning to just ride my bike for 20 minutes and a quick trot on the arc-trainer but it turned into more than that. I spent 20 minutes on the stationary bike, 25 minutes on an arc-trainer followed by 10 minutes on the treadmill which would have been a good work out at 55 minutes of cardio but then I lifted weights. I ended up doing over the head presses, preacher curls, seated back rows, lateral raises and some shrugs, I told myself that I should slow down on the weight lifting but how can I when I am just starting to see results from it? I can flex my bicep and there is definition, The muscles in my quads are separated and clearly visible when I stress them or stand, my shoulders look like shoulders instead of mashed potatoes! how? why?? stop now? I can't. This is the point that I was waiting for, I wanted to start lifting again, I needed to start lifting again! no matter what I tell myself I can't come up with a good enough reason to stop so I won't.

My intake was on par for the day coming in at just about 1800 calories, Home made Turkey soup was on the menu for dinner and I got a lot of veggies into the day as well. Fluids, ahhh fluids, I drank 1 gallon of green tea and 1.5 gallons of straight H2O so slightly more than normal but I figured I was recovering from the salty weekend and its not like I tried to drink that much, it just happens sometimes. I will not be able to get to the gym today because of a snow day for the kids and the fact that I don't feel like getting stuck at the bottom of my long steep driveway but I did get in some movement while shoveling said driveway. An hour of shoveling snow has to count for something and I plan on maybe doing a yoga DVD and some calisthenics later because I have to keep the movement happening so that this Fridays weigh in comes in at a loss rather than breaking even or a gain.

The week is turning out decently well where fixing the weekend goes and other than missing the gym today I will do my best to keep the momentum up so that I can hit my goal in April. I have two restless kids and I am listening to Zooey Deschanel and Leon Redbone sing "baby its cold outside" so it is time for a cup of hot green tea while I put the kids in their I mean play with the kids for a bit! keep on keepin on and all that and tune in tomorrow to see where the next episode of As the fat guy turns goes.

As Ever


  1. Just curious Tony, why do you think you need to go easy on the weight lifting?

  2. Helen, because since I started lifting weights more seriously I have sort of stalled a bit with the weight loss, at the same time I did have my surgery so it may be a combo of things but I do think that the lifting is helping me in other places so I am letting it go for a while more before I make any changes.

    As Ever

  3. So whens another picture being posted? you are doing so great...I have had some financial issues arise and we no longer have gym memberships :( makes me very sad, BUT I have my exercise ball at home, some steps to do calves as well as 3,5,8 lb free weights for my arms, shoulders, and chest then I use the exercise ball for abs and also have a five lb exercise ball for abs as well...I am having the hardest time getting into a routine with the at home working out :( miss the gym so much, also just started my own business selling Mary Kay products on top of going through some financial issues its just been crazy lately!

  4. That is awesome about seeing some defination in your muscles! Your weight loss may be slowed because muscle weighs more than fat. Are your clothes fitting differently? That is always what I look at when the scale doesn't show what I would like. The last 20 pounds have come off very slowly, but I've seen a big difference in how things fit. You're doing awesome!

  5. I know I'm only the 4000th person to leave this comment on your blog (I know this because I read all the comments as well as the posts) so you probably just tune these things out by now - but you rock. I'm more impressed by how you got back on track after your lapse a few months back than I am by anything else, I think, even though the loss by itself is, of course, amazing. If you could bottle that "sticktoitiveness" and sell it, you'd make millions. :) I might have to send you a sparkfriend request so you can help me whoop my ass into shape just by being such a BAMF.

  6. Stephanie, its funny that you mention when is a new pic being posted because I have been considering a new one BUT there has not really been a significant amount of weight loss since the last one so..... I don;t know when a new pic will go up ;)

    Losing, Simple answer is yes my clothes are fitting differently, I am between a 3x and a 2x shirt right now and I have not lost much weight at all in the last few months so even though the weight isn't coming off in chunks right now.

    Violentdayzie, Thanks for thinking I rock! ;) and yeah I do read every single comment on this blog, I just don't reply in the comments all of the time, I know I know bad blogger! lol Send that spark friend invite ;) always good to have a new friend especially someone that reads my blog AND the comments ;)

    As Ever
