Friday, February 20, 2009

Weigh in, Yoga, and a challenge issued!

Weigh in has come once again and getting right to the point I weighed in at 352.2 pounds which is a pound lighter than my lowest weight and four pounds less than last Friday. Is this a four pound week? or a one pound week? doesn't matter how I count it as its a loss! one pound less than my lowest weight so indeed the lightest I have been in many years and that is in fact the point so I am delighted this morning.

This Suzuki weighs in at 352 pounds like yours truley!

I rode my bike last night for 17 minutes and then came downstairs and did a 15 minute Yoga session off of one of Wifys DVD's and I have to admit that it took me by surprise at what it took to make it through the whole segment. My shoulders were tired, my back was stretched, the front of my legs were feeling it at one point and I do recall cussing under my breath at the woman on the screen at one point "C'mon lady I'm 350 pounds here!" I do believe that I will be adding this segment of her dvd to my bike riding days workout. The Yoga was a good way to come back down to a nice easy pace and relax a bit all at the same time, As I get comfortable with this 15 minutes maybe I will add length to what I am doing and start doing Yoga more seriously. I give all of you that do yoga huge props today because I honestly have always been that guy thinking "now how can that be a workout?" but after doing my measely 15 minute routine which I am sure I was not in perfect form I see exactly how it can be considered a workout!

In yesterdays post I mentioned a challenge for this weeks weigh in post so here it is, for every comment that gets left on this post today before midnight tonight saying that a glass of H2O was consumed I will ride an additional 2 minutes on my bike ride Saturday 02-21-09. So, here is your chance to make a fat man work for his weight loss! sound off on this post and we both win, I get more movement for the day and you get a tall glass of wetness to help keep you hydrated.

That will bring to an end another weigh in post and don't forget to check out the poll on the left sidebar while you are reading along today, Thanks for the support and don't forget that water!

As Ever


  1. This is my first post but I have been reading your blog everyday for a few weeks. You are very inspriring and entertaining. I always read it with a big glass of water adn today is no different!

  2. hey friend!
    It has been a while but I still am here :) glad to see you are doing so gooooood! oh let me get my water....

    ok it is done one glass down!

    tell wifey i said "hi"

  3. 3rd glass finished or 6 cups :) You are going to be rollin' !!

  4. Another day, another post, another glass of water and another pound....looks like you are on a roll. Drinking my water now. K

  5. Alright Zeus, I've pounded one bottle of water so far (a liter of Aquafina, in case we're paying attention to ounces here), go give me my two minutes!

    I like the idea btw.

  6. This is a great idea!

    I drink form a 20 oz canning jar and I just polished it off quickly for you.

  7. Okay, I caved - BigGirl208 from SP ... yeah, go ride an extra 2 minutes just for me!

  8. Umm, yeah, BG208 again - I'm up to 8 glasses with the two I just drank for your post! In case you were wondering ...

  9. HAHAHA I love that your poll is 100% HELL YES on the videos. ;)

    Drinking water....

    OK! Probably a good 12oz of my water bottle DOWN.

    Oh and woohoo on yoga. I want to take a real class sometime. I think this is something I should try to take seriously because I could really work on certain aspects of my flexibility. Mainly, my hamstrings. SOOOOOOOO inflexible in that direction!

  10. I so enjoy your blog! While enjoying a tall glass of ice water.

  11. 4 glasses down already today!

    Get your ridin' shoes on :)

  12. Having a big glass of water for you now! Good luck!

  13. Count me in! one 20 oz bottle
    of H20 down the hatch.

  14. pedal away, meatball-boy!! i'm on my 6th glass of homemade decaf green tea for today!!

  15. I'm working on #2 of 32 oz of green tea - and got more "cooking" on the counter...pedal away, young sir!

    And, yeah, that yoga stuff is tougher than it looks! I'm doing the wii-version of yoga, and finding out that I am quite unbalanced - physically as well as mentally! Good to know the mind and body are one!

  16. meatball, i've drank a liter of water, another liter later today. Woohoo!

    Yoga. Before your post, I'd never consider it. I may just think about it now!

  17. I'm going to try yoga too - want to work on my flexibility and coordination! Poll taken (LOL - 100% HELL YEAH) and my water is down, so another coupla minutes for you tomorrow!

  18. o.k i've drank 4 glasses or 8 cups now :) You're never going to get off that bike!!

  19. I've been drinking my water all day so do 2 minutes for me too. Way to go with the yoga, I found it the hardest class I ever took. I use to take it once a week for a hour, I always thought of it as torture but I always felt great afterwards.

  20. big ol' 16.9 oz bottle of water chugged just for you! Hop on that bike yo! :)


  21. You know me if it is not WATER I am drinking it is green tea! LOVE drinking water- got a nice 20 oz bottle here I am drinking now! Pedal away!

  22. You definitely have a challenge on your hand. Here to you drinking down my nice cold glass of water.

  23. Sitting here drinking a glass while I read! =)

  24. aintskeerd from SP, here. Sorry Zeus, just finished my 15th glass of water for today (only one while reading your blog, though). You might need some IV fluids during your ride! Awesome job on the yoga, BTW. tam

  25. Okay...this is my first comment but I have been loving your blog. I had my 16.9 oz bottle of water, and now here are two extra minutes for you.

    Your goal of reaching 299 has become mine as well...and I think that I should perhaps walk for the same number of minutes that you end up biking as a result of this challenge. It's only fair!

  26. Hey Late posting here, I drank 2 glasses of green tea, followed by one big glass of water. It's Sunday morning. I need to check in here more often, but as you know I follow your progess. Hope you are feeling muuuch better.

    Patty (NJ)
