We're taking it back to old school kind of posting for a bit to get a groove going which means that menus, exercise and hydration will be posted daily along with a Friday weigh in. Tuesday went well in the intake and hydration area but I didn't get anything into my day that I would call exercise past regular daily kind of chores. Two gallons of straight H2O went down the hatch as I forgot to make my green tea the night before and my calories came in at 1725 which is right in there as far as what I want to be eating right now. For dinner I made a really good omelet consisting of 1 whole egg, 4 egg whites, 1.5 oz New York strip, Egyptian onions, yellow onions, tomato, green bell peppers, jalapeno, baby bella mushrooms and 2 oz of Kraft low fat cheddar cheese with a couple Zesty dill spears and some whole wheat toast on the side all for 515 total calories and as you can see from the menu it was an eggy kind of day for me.

7:15 AM
coffee creamer 50
9:00 AM
1 whole egg 4 whites 130
2.5oz steak 150
2oz kraft low fat cheddar 90
peppers/jalapeno/tomato 35
pickle 10
1:30 PM
2 slices whole wheat toast 140
1 T almond butter 95
1 T strawberry preserves 35
2:00 PM
banana 100
6:15 PM
1 whole egg 4 whites 130
1.5oz steak 90
2oz kraft low fat cheddar 90
peppers/jalapeno/tomato/mushroom 55
Zesty pickle 10
2 slices whole wheat toast 140
Smart balance 25
6:45 PM
3/4 banana 75
8:15 PM
1 banana 105
2 oranges 170
There was nothing in the way of exercise in my life yesterday, cleaned up the yard a bit, weeded my garden and some normal house cleaning kind of stuff but no bike rides, no gym, no calisthenics or the likes. Today will be different, I will at least get a bike ride into my day at some point and would like to try to get to the gym as its been a good while since I have been able to get there because of the kids not being in school. The idea to wake up at O dark thirty and go to the gym has entered into my head but I have never been a morning person and my back still smarts for about the first hour of my day unless I give its space to warm up naturally so I am unsure thats the best idea but I am going to explore it because I have to get my cardio in each day and its just not happening lately.
The plan for today is to eat within my 1700 calories, get a bike ride in and drink a plenty, I did not get any green tea in yesterday because I forgot to make it the night before. Forgetting to brew my green tea the night before usually means one of two things, I run out and give Arizona tea a couple more of my dollars buying a gallon of tea or I miss out for the day. I did get an iced tea maker from wify for my birthday (most thoughtful gift award) and am planning on reading the instructions today so I shouldn't have a reason to miss out on a day without tea any more and hopefully it saves us a few bucks because of not having to buy a gallon of the pre-made stuff.
I have been going through some of my older posts from the first year and am beginning to get myself back into a frame of mind where I have to push myself to the front of the things to do list again regardless of the other stuff that's going on currently in the life of me. Tomorrow will be more of the same as I continue down this road to a healthier me, I have a few goals that still need to be reached and I have not gotten down to my goal weight just yet so that must be a priority because not doing for myself is partially what got me into this obese situation (man I hate that fuckin word) in the first place.
Making ones self priority one is as important as the air that we breathe sometimes and I can't lose sight of that again.
The plan for today is to eat within my 1700 calories, get a bike ride in and drink a plenty, I did not get any green tea in yesterday because I forgot to make it the night before. Forgetting to brew my green tea the night before usually means one of two things, I run out and give Arizona tea a couple more of my dollars buying a gallon of tea or I miss out for the day. I did get an iced tea maker from wify for my birthday (most thoughtful gift award) and am planning on reading the instructions today so I shouldn't have a reason to miss out on a day without tea any more and hopefully it saves us a few bucks because of not having to buy a gallon of the pre-made stuff.
I have been going through some of my older posts from the first year and am beginning to get myself back into a frame of mind where I have to push myself to the front of the things to do list again regardless of the other stuff that's going on currently in the life of me. Tomorrow will be more of the same as I continue down this road to a healthier me, I have a few goals that still need to be reached and I have not gotten down to my goal weight just yet so that must be a priority because not doing for myself is partially what got me into this obese situation (man I hate that fuckin word) in the first place.
Making ones self priority one is as important as the air that we breathe sometimes and I can't lose sight of that again.
As Ever